Thank YOU ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and the RUACH HA KODESH IMMAYAH for pouring forth anointing and blessings upon Momma Elisheva and this Holy Ministry abundantly and exceedingly in every aspect and filling them with all kinds of good things. Thank YOU for being with YOUR faithful servants, strengthen them, encourage them, guide them and teach them with YOUR Living Words. HalleluYAH!
Momma Elisheva and all workers in this Ministry, thank you for your hard works. You have put your best foot forward for reaching people’s soul for YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA and IMMAYAH’s sake. We are grateful and thankful for your effort paid and time spent for this Ministry, so that people around the world are able to read prophecies, teachings and revelations directly come from YAH. You are priceless, invaluable treasures and blessings to us and also to Heaven. Don’t quit! Don’t give up! We love you, bless you hug you and kiss you.
Asa Mikaiyah, come forth! Come and join Momma Elisheva, combining two anointings into one, bringing this Ministry humor and laughter, reaching the souls in Israel and becoming our huge blessing. Hebrew translators, come forth! Help this Ministry to translate all prophecies into Hebrew with the gift IMMAYAH has given you and become a blessing not only to Israel, but to all of us and to Heaven.
ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and the RUACH HA KODESH IMMAYAH, we give all our love, praises, honor and glory to YOU. YOU are our Almighty GOD who reign and rule our life. Thank YOU! HalleluYAH! In YAHUSHUA’s Name, amen!