HalleluYAH!! We are grateful to receive Prophecy 155, which YAHUSHUA had spoken forth through Prophet Grace, as a huge blessing. Thank YOU YAHUSHUA for YOUR unmeasurable love for all of us, whose names are written in the LAMB's Book of Life, to warn us, to remind us, to instruct us and to guide us. We love YOU YAHUSHUA, ABBA YAHUVEH and our precious IMMAYAH for all YOU have done for all humanity, and the ultimate price YOU had already paid at Calavary so as to redeem us.
ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA and IMMAYAH, we choose to love YOU, praise YOU, worship YOU and serve YOU for eternity. May our souls are created just to bring YOU honor, glory and praises, and be a blessing unto YOU, in YAHUSHUA's Holy Name.
Please create all of us a new heart to eagerly, diligently chase after YOU YAHUSHUA and seek after YOUR Kingdom and YOUR Righteousness first each and every day. To hear YOUR Voice, to seek YOUR Will, to follow YOUR example and to be holy as YOU are holy, and never put YOU on the 'back burner'.
YAHUSHUA, we want to be YOUR passionate bride, to put YOU first in our love and life. YOU say YOU will qualify the called, so we pray that we will be counted worthy to be called YOUR Bride as we are going through the MASTER's Degree. May we are found pleasing YOU and ABBA YAHUVEH and receive the certification in the near future.
Thank you AmightyWind Ministry, thank you Prophet Momma Elisheva, Prophet Grace and all YAH's true Prophets for speaking forth the truth with boldness and not being afraid of offending people. Thank you for finding evidences to back up the prophecies exposing what is really going on in this evil world. We love you, as well as all the faithful loyal workers in YAHUSHUA. May IMMAYAH's anointing, wisdom, discernment pour forth upon all of you exceedingly.
We also commemorate the Day of two anointings gathered together. We can't wait to see this miracle happen again. Real Asa Mikaiyah, come forth! HalleluYAH!
All praises, honor and glory be to our YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and the precious RUACH HA KODESH forever and ever, in YAHUSHUA's Name, Amen!