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Precious Prophet Momma Elisheva, Prophet Asa Mikaiyah, associate ministers and families in YAHUSHUA, Happy and Blessed Rosh Hashanah! Shabbat Shalom! HalleluYAH!
YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and the RUACH HA KODESH, we praise YOU, we worship YOU, we love YOU. YOU are our one and only God, our King and our Lord, who rule the whole universe. YOUR Majesty, Almighty, Power are above all. YOU are the Most High and the Sovereign Ruler who create everything from invisible to visible. YOUR Wisdom, Knowledge, Loving kindness, Holy, Righteousness, Truth are countless. Every creature is submitted to YOU. We surrender to YOU, for YOU are the one who reigns for eternity. YOU reign our life, our mind, body, spirit and soul. We blow the horn to proclaim far and wide: YAH reigns!
YAHUSHUA, we wait for YOU to take us home. YAH, please purify us and refine us. We are willing to allow YOU to mold us the way YOU want us to be. To be holy and obedient in trillion folds. May we are counted worthy to be YOUR first fruit Bride.
HalleluYAH! Praise ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA and IMMAYAH that Prophet Asa Mikaiyah has come forth! Hebrew translator has come forth! In YOUR perfect timing! HalleluYAH! Our precious Prophet Asa Mikaiyah, we welcome you, we respect you and we look forward to know more about you! You are a gift, a blessing to Momma Elisheva, to YAH, to Amightywind and to all of us! We are honored to receive such a great gift in Rosh Hashanah from Heaven! HalleluYAH! We are looking forward to the new video, the podcast and all the upcomings. A new chapter has just begun. HalleluYAH!
May IMMAYAH pours exceeding anointing upon Momma Elisheva, Asa Mikaiyah, leadership team, associate ministers and all faithful workers. Anointings and spirits like unto John the Baptist, Jeremiah, Micah, King David and all the Holy ones. We rebuke the curse of the three monkeys in YAHUSHUA’s Name. Amightywind will only speak forth YAH’s words in boldness. And all the enemies shall flee in seven different directions or else shall fall like Goliath. HalleluYAH!
All praises, honor and glory unto YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and the RUACH HA KODESH, in YAHUSHUA’s Name, Amen!