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YAH'S children
# 29
27.04.2023 | 03:34
Today is 27th of April, the day of IMMAYAH and Momma Elisheva.

Thank YOU YAH. We remember everything related to YOU and keep celebrating the 29th anniversary of the Ministry and Momma Elisheva’s birthday.

As well as the coming Second Passover, Gifts Receiving Shavout and the 18th Anniversary of YDS. We remember the 3-day sufferings of Momma Elisheva that gave birth to the YDS. Momma saw the angel and touched his wings. How great was the pain as well as joy.

The next time Elisheva sees the angel will be the time of announcing the rapture. The time of rapture is given secretly. It is an elopement. If people who don’t have close relationship with YAH, they will be left behind in the Great Tribulation.

We must try our best!!!

All we find in this ministry is love, the way YAH loves us. This prophet is arisen and paid the price for our sake.
Only YAH will last forever in this world. Only YAH is true. YAH is love.
# 28
21.04.2023 | 03:39
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Our precious Prophet Momma Elisheva and all family members in YAHUSHUA, Shabbat Shalom! We are happy to keep celebrating the birthdays of Momma Elisheva and Amightywind Ministry’s 29th anniversary. Happy Birthday! Numerous blessings are falling upon Momma and this Ministry!

Thank YOU ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and IMMAYAH, the RUACH HA KODESH! Through Prophet Elisheva and YOUR Holy Ministry, we are able to learn and receive new revelations and secrets from YOU. HalleluYAH!

May we continue to listen carefully to YOUR Voice, walk on YOUR road and do all things according to YOUR wills. But not to be sidetracked and deceived by our flesh. We desire to be YAHUSHUA’s bride and be YOUR obedient and faithful servants. May me deserve it.

We give all our honor, glory, love and praises to our HOLY TRINITY!
YAH's Children
# 27
18.04.2023 | 11:35
Webwerfgradering: 5 van 5 sterre
Gemiddeld: 5.0 van 108 graderings
Shabbat Shalom!!

YAH has extended the celebration of Prophet Momma Elisheva’s birthday and AmightyWind’s anniversary for 30 days, but not for YAHUSHUA’s birthday. This shows how great YAH’s love for us.

Thank YOU YAH! We want to forever celebrate the birthdays of YAHUSHUA, Momma Elisheva and AmightyWind in order to repay YOUR/your love to us.

Momma and this Holy Ministry forever live. HalleluYAH!!!

Here is a heavenly website owns by King of kings. Woe to be this ministry’s enemies and they will forever regret their birth.

Happy Passover! Happy Countdown of the Omer! Happy Birthday to Momma Elisheva! Happy 29th anniversary of the Online Ministry!
We are waiting for IMMAYAH’s gifts on Shavuot and the Second Passover! HalleluYAH!!!
# 26
18.04.2023 | 11:35
HalleluYAH Praise to ELOHIEM YAH,

Be blessed with the anniversary of YOUR Life saving, worldwide Wildfire Holy , indescribable awesome Ministry ABBA YAH, YAHUSHUA and IMMAYAH.

Thank YOU so much for all the time and work that goes into AmightyWind Ministry, YOU are our FAITHFULL ELOHIEM YAH.

ThankYOU for the Prophecies spoken and YOUR anointed obedient prophets.

ThankYOU for sendingMom Rm to this world forfilling YOUR Holy promises.

Please bless her birthday abundantly in YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH's Name

ThankYOU for the wakeup prophecy YOU spoke throuh sister Grace

ThankYOU ABBA for all the effort YOU make with YOUR children.

Please forgive us for being ungrateful and disobedient.

Please open our hearts and minds and ears for the Beautiful Soft Still voice of IMMAYAH please never let HER leave us ever.

ThankYOU IMMAYAH for having patience with us.

ThankYOU YAHUSHUA for YOUR Faithfulness

Elohiem YAH speed for AmightyWind Ministry in every country (especially in Suid-Afrika)

Beloved Mom RmHappy, blessed exodus and Red Sea opening Birthday to you through the Precious Blood of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH.

Thankyou for all your hardwork and sacrifice

Love you so much

Greetings from Suid - AfrikaShalomMarinda
# 25
18.04.2023 | 11:35
Happy Sabbath Shalom to all brothers, sisters, Momma Elisheva, and Asa Mikayah in YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. Whatever the evil ones are doing now seems like they are speeding up the destruction of earth and humanity. We see all the signs of a war, mayhem, and chaos and destruction coming to America and the world.

Satan goes ahead of time to bring this destruction on earth. Let's pray that the globalists will not be able to start World War III and bring famine and plagues upon this world until it's YAH's time. Please pray for miracles in Turkey and Syria and that YAH will use his warriors to bring more souls to YAHUSHUA in these regions.

With much love in YAHUSHUSARavi
heather M
# 24
18.04.2023 | 11:35
HalleluYAH! thank you for serving our Almighty Yahuveh and for keeping this ministry going. your prophetic teachings are always so accurate and act as a reminder and renewer of faith. the Torah teachings too are always what is needed to be heard to keep one on the straight and narrow. many blessings to you and this ministry. all my love.
# 23
18.04.2023 | 11:35
Happy Passover!!!

Wow! The birthdays of Ring Maiden Momma and the Online Ministry are both in the Passover! John, the Baptist was also born during the Passover!! Elisheva is surely the Elijah of New!! How happy and wonderful the time of April is. It is also a new beginning of a year.

Thank YOU YAH for giving us these wonderful days! We believe that the birthday of Momma Elisheva is also the time when YAHUSHUA engages with HIS bride. Because the true bride of YAHUSHUA will come and unite with Elisheva.

Thank YOU YAH for letting us dance and sing in Jewish with YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. We rejoice in Heaven forever and ever. Thank YOU YAH for letting Asa Mikaiyah to come forth in YAH’s timing.

Just like King Nebuchadnezzar, we have to go through YAH’s lesson until we all know that YAH reigns among all nations. HE gives kingdoms to people according to HIS will.

Since we no longer celebrate the birthdays of ours and family members, we discover that YAH always gives us great presents in secret. YAH’s presents for us are unmatched. The souls in hell will forever grieve and hate their birth. We only remember the days related to YAH. Then, we will have true happiness! If not through YAHUSHUA, our life will be full of sufferings. But because of YAH. HE that lives is YAH. We have nothing of ourselves.

Momma’s birthday is ordained by YAH. She isn’t a mere prophet! We are honored to be here celebrating Momma Elisheva’s birthday til forever. We read your testimony. We weep and rejoice with you. We love to hear all you have said.

Some translations of the Holy Bible may be mis-translated. But we are certain the words spoken through prophet Elisheva in Holy Tongue are true. We can listen and understand YAH’s emotion, HIS love for us and HIS anger towards the enemies through the prophecy videos.

HALLELUYAH! We are soon coming home with Momma Elisheva and be in YAH’s embrace.

Happy Passover! To all the saints.

Shabbat Shalom on the 1st day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread!We celebrate 29th anniversary of the AmightyWind Ministry and Momma Elisheva’s birthday til forever!!!
# 22
18.04.2023 | 11:35
Shalom Beloved Mama Elisheva and Happy 21st birthday Mama, we love very much and pray many blessings upon you, sweet Mama,we praise the HOLY TRINITY our Beloved ABBA YAHUVEH YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and IMMAYAH for your life daily, may you be blessed abundantly and thank you for being blessing in our lives, we couldn`t have asked for another Mom, for we have the best Beloved Mama in the whole world. You deserve all that our Beloved Holy Parents have in store for you in this world even the world to come, only blessings galore, and that's what I pray and desire for you,love you to bits. Happy 29th Anniversary to AmightyWind Ministry of our Beloved ABBA YAHUVEH YAHUSHUA and MAMA SHKINYAH GLORY, all Praise Glory and Honour to the HOLY TRINITY and forevermore for this Ministry we love you very much, truly adore worship YOU always.
Ravi Chhetri
# 21
18.04.2023 | 11:35
Happy Birthday Beloved Momma Elisheva, Happy Birthday Beloved Amightywind Ministry & Happy Passover.

Wow! What a wonderful time this is. Thank YOU ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, & MOMMA SHKINYAH to helping your Holy Prophet and Holy Ministry stand for 29 glorious years despite all the attacks and conspiracies against your Ringmaiden and this Ministry.

Thank YOU for raising a Holy Prophet and Ministry such as this in a time such as this. We have been so blessed with all the good fruits of this Ministry. We stand strong, we stand victorious, we stand as one because of your Mighty Name and Holy Blood YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH.

Thank YOU for becoming the Passover Lamb. Thank YOU for delivering me from a legal battle that I`ve fought for the last 16 years. You decided the date for my acquital, it will be just a day before Passover on April 11. This was the first miracle that I asked for on Hanukkah 2022. Thank YOU for all the miracles, protection, mercy, and favor in our lives. HALLELUYAH! We have victory in YAHUSHUA MASHIACH's Name!

Thank You Momma Elisheva for all that you do for the Holy Trinity's glory. Sending you lots of love, hugs & prayers on your Birthday!
# 20
18.04.2023 | 11:35
HALLELU BELOVED YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH! Happy Birthday beloved Momma Prophet and Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu. Happy Birthday beloved AmightyWind Ministry ABBA YAHUVEH YAHUSHUA & PRECIOUS IMMAYAH. May ABBA YAH continue you beloved Momma RM and the coming soon Asa Mikaiyah, and all you beloved AMW Ministry Team, all you beloved YDS and all the Bride of YAHUSHUAH scattered throughout the world and all the Children of YAH, protect against the evils of this world that war against GOD YAH, the Bride of YAHUSHUAH and all the Children of Light, ABBA YAH YAHUSHUAH and the PRECIOUS IMMAYAH. May the Sweet and Mighty Anointings and Divine Healths of the Precious SUPER IMMAYAH still abundantly pour forth upon you beloved Super Momma Elisheva and upon all of us IN YAHUSHUA HA MASHIAH for everyone in our destiny in fulfilling the Will of ABBA YAH FOR the GLORY of YAHUSHUA. And may we all be pleasing and pleasing to ABBA YAHUVEH YAHUSHUA AND THE PRECIOUS IMMAYAH, pleasing the BELOVED of YAH To be called the Bride of BELOVED YAHUSHUA. I pray the Mighty NAME AND BLOOD of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIAH Amen.
Blessed abundantly sweet anointed Birthday beloved precious super Momma Elisheva Eliyahu and all the beloved and precious AmightyWind, beloved precious Brothers and Sisters in YAHUSHUA. Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! HALLELUYAH! May BELOVED ABBA YAHUVEH BELOVED YAHUSHUA HA MASHIAH AND BELOVED SUPER MOMMA GLORY SHKAINYAH be blessed.
# 19
18.04.2023 | 11:35
Beloved Mom Elisheva RM, (and AMW congregation surrounding you)
Shalom in the Mighty Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.

Mom i would like to THANK you so much for taking us through HANUKKAH with your song of candle blessing _ so beautiful hearing your anointed voice what a blessing-- and also for the Scripture reading at the last day, THE most anointed Scripture reading i have ever heard.

Mom may our ELOHIEM YAH bless you abundantly and everything pertaining to you,

may you experience ABBA YAH's face shining upon you


and the soft warm Wings of IMMAYAH enfold you


Greetings from S.A.

Ps please send love and greetings for Mom Katrynyah, i love her so much xxx
# 18
18.04.2023 | 11:35
Dear Momma Elisheva Eliyahu,

Happy birthday Momma Elisheva!!!

Thank you for all your sacrifices for the sake of this Ministry. You have been through so many heartbreaks and betrayals and still you stay strong, devoting all you have to YAH and this Ministry.

Thank you for bearing the burden YAH gave you. My family and I got to know this Ministry and the true knowledge unknown to the majority of the people.

We want to show you how much we love you, adore you and grateful to you. Daily we pray to ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and Precious IMMAYAH to protect you and anoint you. And we pray that all enemies will reap what they sowed and run in seven different directions.

Lots of hugs and kisses,Yitzhak
# 17
18.04.2023 | 11:05
Happy Birthday to our beloved Prophet Momma Elisheva! Happy Birthday to AmightyWind Ministry! HALLELUYAH! This day, 4th of April, we are all celebrating your birthday and this Holy Ministry’s birthday cheerfully and joyfully.

Thank you Momma Elisheva! Because your soul was willing to be a leader before you came down to this earth. For your willingness, YAH has set up HIS Holy Ministry through you, YAH’s Ringmaiden. This ministry does bring millions of and even billions of soul to YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. We love you, kiss you and hug you. May ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA and IMMAYAH’s great blessings and anointing fall upon you.

We are thankful that in these end times, we can receive YAH’s prophecies and teachings, so that our ways are directed and instructed by YAH. Or else, we may be deceived by the organized churches and demons. HALLELUYAH!

We give all our praises and love to ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and IMMAYAH, the RUACH HA KODESH! The HOLY TRINITY is our only way, truth and life. HALLELUYAH!
# 16
18.04.2023 | 11:04
Shabbat Shalom!

We eagerly look forward to April 4, the birthday of our Momma and this ministry, though we celebrate YAH’s every miracle festivals everyday.

The Passover is coming up. Wow! We enter in YAH’s promises and miracles one after one because of these wonderful Holy Feasts and Festivals. And we are protected under HIS protection and seal.

Because of YAH’s wonderful prophecies and teachings, our precious Momma Elisheva and all YAH’s children become the most fortunate people in this world. HALLELUYAH!!!

We all together embrace ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and Sweet Momma IMMAYAH forever! Thank YOU YAH for giving us these wonderful days! We bless Jerusalem, Israel and all the saints.

Happy Birthday to Momma Elisheva Eliyahu! Happy 29th anniversary of the Ministry! Happy Passover! Happy Holy Festivals!

Happy Nisan, the first day of the first month! It was the day which Noah built the ark. It was also his birthday!!!

YAH is our one and only happiness and fortune. We love YAH, our forever GOD!HALLELUYAH!!!
# 15
17.04.2023 | 16:52
Yahuveh please look down upon me and remember me this day. Sign me in the lambs book of life as I plead the blood. I thank you for your holy apostolic Pentecostal messianic Jewish ministry. I thank you for prophet Elisheva. I am in no means worthy of you your ministry your prophet or even salvation, however I plead the blood of Yahshua and I give up on myself in order for you to take control. As I type this today record me in heaven and please continue to bless Amightywind to save many souls. Thank you Yah I know I’m unworthy of you except by your son’s blood so thank you.
# 14
16.04.2023 | 14:17
Shalom beloved family,

I pray YAH is protecting you all. Thank YOU, ABBA YAH, for keeping us breathing and living each day. YOU are our ROCK, SHELTER, FORTRESS, DELIVERER, HEALER, PROVIDER, PROTECTOR, CREATOR, and the LOVER of our souls. YOU have taught me that I can do absolutely nothing without YOU.

I wanted to share a reminder with you, my brothers and sisters. It's so important to consult YAH about every choice we make. When we ask HIM what to do, we will be blessed. YAH knows our future, and HE can tell us what to do. Many times, HIS answers don't seem logical. That's because they're not logical, they're supernatural!

It honors DADDY YAH when HIS children ask HIM about little things. When we go to YAH with our everyday decisions, it will be much easier for us to trust YAH with big decisions. And when we consult HIM, we have the peace of knowing that we are staying in HIS will.

So I just wanted to share that. I pray YAH will bless abundantly the Amightywind ministers, translators, transcribers, videomakers, YDS, web-managers, and Asa Mikaiyah.

Please, Asa, Mikaiyah, come forth in YAHUSHUA MASHIACH'S NAME! Momma Elisheva needs you, and so do we, your future spiritual children. What a day of rejoicing it will be when you are here.

Love, deborah
# 13
16.04.2023 | 14:17
Beloved Momma Elisheva, I love you very much. I stand by your side and support you with my love which comes from YAHUSHUA. Thank you very much for your example of holiness and love for humanity. Thank you for your willingness to suffer persecution and all manner of evil for the sake of the Gospel and speaking what you hear ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, and IMMAYAH have given you to say and recording it all down and publishing it to the world no matter the cost to you. What a great price you have paid. I appreciate you and what a valuable treasure you are, a rare find like a precious ruby. You are a wonderful example of a woman of virtue described in Proverbs 31. Who can find such a treasure? And blessed is the man who is her husband for his heart is safe with her. He trusts her implicitly. The woman who fears YAHUVEH shall be praised. Her children also shall rise up and bless her. You are so blessed! And may ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, and IMMAYAH bless you continually with Divine health, prosperity, provision, protection, and added blessings so many, too many to count! I'm looking forward to the day when I will be able to see you and give you big hugs and kisses. For now, I pray that YAHUSHUA gives you hugs and kisses from me to you. Again, thank you for all you do for the Glory of YAH. With much love and appreciation, xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Star Sade
# 12
16.04.2023 | 14:17
I know the spirit of the Lord has led me to this site... im in shock. everything i have known to be and all in one place. so much information. you know this is truth when 2 internet browsers would not open it and you tube has put a childrens block on some of your videos.. just humbly thank you for providing this...
# 11
16.04.2023 | 14:17
This ministry is such a great blessing in my life. I feel the power and holiness in this ministry. I seek Yah all my life and Yah led me to find out what's truth. The truth may hurt but it set us free from all ignorance of this world. Thank you Yahushua for saving us for always being there for me each second of my life. Thank you for giving us Elisheva Eliyahu as the ring maiden. Thank you Mama Elisheva for being patient, kind and strong for us and for Yah. I love you Mama and I pray Yah give you all your heart's desires and feed you with all blessing abundantly including this Holiest Ministry in Yahushua's name. There will be peace only for us eternally when Yahushua comes to take us to the marriage supper of the Lamb! May Yah comes quick! Shalom.
# 10
16.04.2023 | 14:17
Happy birthday beloved Momma Elisheva!

I pray that YAH will bless you abundantly and give you more anointings, gifts of IMMAYAH, Wisdom, protection, divine health, and I pray that YAH will keep you safe in all ways and let you hear HIS voice more clearly. I pray that YAH will guide and lead you always and destroy all your enemies. I pray that YAH will lead more souls to AMW Ministry and bring more translators, sponsors, prayer warriors and other laborers to help AMW reach more souls. In YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH'S Name, Amen!

This Ministry has taught me the purpose of life and led me to YAHUSHUA and how to live Holy and get closer to YAH so that I may go to Heaven instead of hell. I pray for you several times per day and I'm passionately dedicated to help you in any way I can.

much love in YAHUSHUA
Apostle Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu
# 9
16.04.2023 | 14:17
Shalom Beloved Family in YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH,Thank you so very much for all of the beautiful anointed birthday wishes, greetings and blessings that you have all written to me through this guestbook as well as in emails. I am truly grateful to all YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH has done not just for me but for THEIR anointed Ministry. I am truly honoured and blessed to have been able to read such anointed testimonies and feel the love everyone has shared through their messages. It blesses me to no end how much YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH is working in all of your lives and in your spiritual walk with HIM.Thank you all so much and I also want to wish you all a blessed and anointed Passover and Unleavened Feast! This is the time that YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH died for our sins so that we may have life and life abundantly with HIM in Heaven so long as we continue to live our lives dedicated to YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and in holiness. We all pray to be counted worthy to be called a bride of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH.HE did not stay in the grave but arose on the third day also proving that HE had victory over death itself giving us hope of life everlasting with HIM in Heaven. This is a very precious time and I pray that whatever miracles you need in your life that YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH will open the Red Sea for you and grant you your long awaited exodus in YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACHS name and blood Amen!YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH bless you all, walk with you, strengthen your relationship with HIM as we all continue to walk this narrow path of holiness so that one day I will see you all in heaven and we will rejoice, what a day that will be indeed HALLELUYAH!!Please join us in the counting down of the omer. For those of you who have not yet seen the link on the front page here it is below: index.htmlShalom, and much love in YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, love always, Apostle Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu/Momma Rm
# 8
16.04.2023 | 14:17
Shabbat Shalom Beloved Momma Elisheva,

I just want to express my profound gratitude and appreciation for all that you continually do for Beloved ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and precious IMMAYAH’s Glory.

I am immensely blessed by all your anointed messages and teachings on the “Omer” page as I count down the Omer daily till Shavuot. Everything you have written is so greatly anointed, backed up with Holy scriptures and such a priceless treasure. I meditate and ponder on every word, praying and asking THE HOLY TRINITY to continue guiding and leading me in the path of holiness and righteousness, helping me to hide and memorise THEIR Heavenly WORDS in my heart.

A shout out of love and appreciation to the graphic artist who created the Omer calendar and the website managers, video makers, animators, translators, YDS prayer warriors and all who work tirelessly behind the scenes in AMW Harvestfield! May ABBA YAHUVEH anoint you all the more and shower you with the blessings of Deuteronomy 28 in the Mighty Name and Blood of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH.
Favour Cheng
# 7
16.04.2023 | 14:17
Beloved Momma Elisheva Eliyahu, Asian and International brothers and sisters,

When I come and see this Amightywind website, I feel it is so beautiful.
Thank you very much for Momma Elisheva Eliyahu tell us God's Words, it is very important for us. I am grateful to you who makes every large and small paintings, character, films, languages translation, frequency and color matching, website function, dedication system and message system, which makes the whole Amightywind website very very beautiful, noble and lifelike. Thank you for your hard work. Your rewards in heaven are great. May the Lord protect our health and save us from all of enemies ! May the Lord grant us a faithful, strong and joyful heart. Thank you keep pray for me. We pray together anytime. ABBA YAHUVEH, MESSIAH YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, MOMMA IMMAYAH really stay with us. Our King is coming !
# 6
16.04.2023 | 14:17
Happy Shavuot/Pentecost!

Praise YAH for giving His Holy Torah and causing His Holy Spirit to fall on this day. And praise YAH for giving His word through our beloved spiritual mom Elisheva! Without the prophecies, revelations, and warnings through Amightywind I wouldn't have been born again (10 years on Dec. 21). And without the discernment that YAH gives through these prophecies, I would have fallen into gross error. Thank you ABBA YAH, YAHUSHUA, and MOMMA SH'KHINYAH for you love, grace, and mercy, and thank you mom Elisheva for being our spiritual mother teaching us true repentance.

May the Holy Trinity bless your Shavuot/Pentecost mom Elisheva.
# 5
16.04.2023 | 14:17

ABBA JAHWEH ELOHIM Prosz? B?ogos?aw, Ochraniaj, Namaszczaj w przeobfitej mierze, Ulecz, Wzmacniaj, daj Cia?o w Chwale, Rado??, Dary MAMUSI RUACH HA KODESZ dla naszych Umi?owanych Braciszków i Siostrzyczki z ca?ego ?wiata z linii i BOSKIEJ KRWI JAHUSZUA, a szczególnie dla Naszej Kochanej Prorok i Aposto?a Mamy Eliszewy.


B?ogos?awionego Dnia Sukkot dla wszystkich Umi?owanych .


Pokój JAHUSZUA wami Umi?owani .
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