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Today is the 29th day of the countdown of the omer, and is the 14th day of the 2nd Hebrew Month Iyar, and I believe it's the first so far, of the daily teachings, that asks to sign the Guestbook if this omer calendar has been a Blessing to us, which is why I'm signing. This is also the first time I've ever written in it, as well as the first time I've kept up with the daily omer reading teachings.
One thing I've noticed with the daily omer Calendar, as well as the weekly Shabbats Torah readings and the Prophecy readings, is that they in some way line up with things I was wondering about, or related to something YAH was showing me, a revelation, or relates to something going on in life, and makes me think how interesting it is that YAH lines up the lives of millions of people to have HIS Word that everyone is reading at the same time, be related to what's going on or what HE is showing.
Today is Second Passover! It's the 14th Day of the 2nd Hebrew Month. Today is Wednesday, which also lines up when YAHUSHUA was put on the Cross during HIS Passover, and rising just before sunset Saturday night.
The next day, Sunday, was Firstfruits. Joshua in the O.T. helps clear up the confusion when to keep Firstfruits, and that's after the weekly Shabbat, not the High Shabbat of Passover, and the fact YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH is associated with Firstfruits is evidence in itself of that.
Last Friday, I was looking up Noah's Flood, and I realized the date was the 17th, the same day the Flood occurred.
It was only the 17th on the Gregorian calendar, but not on the Biblical Calendar, but it still reminded me how we are in the 2nd Hebrew month currently.
I didn't realize until afterward that the 17th day of last week, was the 9th of the 2nd Hebrew month, and anytime that day after sundown (the 10th day) was the day that they took the Lamb for the Passover to hold it until the 14th, and it was also the same day that the animals starting entering the Ark in Genesis. The animals continued arriving over 7 days until the Flood started on the 17th... that would mean the Flood most likely started at sundown as it crossed over from the 16th day to the 17th day, since days begin at sundown on the Hebrew Calendar.
I was wondering why the Flood started during the time that lines up with 2nd Passover, instead of 1st Passover. Perhaps YAH extended HIS Mercy one more month, giving anyone possibly still savable any more time to repent, until the last one became rep, except for Noah's Family of course.
But since we know YAHUSHUA really was crucified on a Wednesday, and since I'm aware that YAH follows patterns in the Bible, I would not be surprised that 2nd Passover this year lines up with 2nd Passover during the time the Flood started... also considering I'm getting other signs beyond what I'm saying here.
Then that would make the 17th that the Flood started on a Sabbath... and that reminds me of how YAH said in the AMW Prophecies that tragedies will occur on the Sabbath to prove it's not done away with.
The next day, Sunday, was Firstfruits, which lines up with the 26th this month. Interestingly, 26 is the sum for the Hebrew numerals for the full name of YAHUVEH... similar to how the word for Asia in Chinese is a cross symbol which is pronounced the same as YAH, where you connected it to YAH's Name in Hebrew how the Hebrew letters relate to the Crucifixion.
So today is the 22nd, the 14th and is Second Passover. There are several more layers of revelations here to Ancient China and the number 22, of which I just began telling you about and will share more.
YAH Bless!