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YAH's Yesof
# 179
08.03.2025 | 00:42
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Precious Prophet Momma Elisheva, Prophet Asa Mikaiyah, associate ministers and families in YAHUSHUA, Shabbat Shalom!

HalleluYAH!! We are grateful to receive Prophecy 155, which YAHUSHUA had spoken forth through Prophet Grace, as a huge blessing. Thank YOU YAHUSHUA for YOUR unmeasurable love for all of us, whose names are written in the LAMB's Book of Life, to warn us, to remind us, to instruct us and to guide us. We love YOU YAHUSHUA, ABBA YAHUVEH and our precious IMMAYAH for all YOU have done for all humanity, and the ultimate price YOU had already paid at Calavary so as to redeem us.

ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA and IMMAYAH, we choose to love YOU, praise YOU, worship YOU and serve YOU for eternity. May our souls are created just to bring YOU honor, glory and praises, and be a blessing unto YOU, in YAHUSHUA's Holy Name.

Please create all of us a new heart to eagerly, diligently chase after YOU YAHUSHUA and seek after YOUR Kingdom and YOUR Righteousness first each and every day. To hear YOUR Voice, to seek YOUR Will, to follow YOUR example and to be holy as YOU are holy, and never put YOU on the 'back burner'.

YAHUSHUA, we want to be YOUR passionate bride, to put YOU first in our love and life. YOU say YOU will qualify the called, so we pray that we will be counted worthy to be called YOUR Bride as we are going through the MASTER's Degree. May we are found pleasing YOU and ABBA YAHUVEH and receive the certification in the near future.

Thank you AmightyWind Ministry, thank you Prophet Momma Elisheva, Prophet Grace and all YAH's true Prophets for speaking forth the truth with boldness and not being afraid of offending people. Thank you for finding evidences to back up the prophecies exposing what is really going on in this evil world. We love you, as well as all the faithful loyal workers in YAHUSHUA. May IMMAYAH's anointing, wisdom, discernment pour forth upon all of you exceedingly.

We also commemorate the Day of two anointings gathered together. We can't wait to see this miracle happen again. Real Asa Mikaiyah, come forth! HalleluYAH!

All praises, honor and glory be to our YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and the precious RUACH HA KODESH forever and ever, in YAHUSHUA's Name, Amen!
YAH's children
# 178
08.03.2025 | 00:42
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Prophet Momma Elisheva, Prophet Grace and all forever loyal precious holies beside you, Shabbat Shalom!!!
Wow, praise YAH for giving us the wonder March 7th, the full anointing day, and on Shabbat we received prophecy 155. Praise YAH for raising up Grace to help with YAH's Ministry, that more younger generations are rising up and live holy, who stays away from game and ungodly evil spirits and treat their relationship with YAH seriously, just as Enoch's love for YAH, walking only with YAH for ever. HalleluYAH!!! Blessed are those who come in the Name of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH!!!
YAH's Yitzhak
# 177
08.03.2025 | 00:41
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Shabbat Shalom Momma Elisheva, Asa Mikaiyah and all brothers and sisters in the Ministry!!!

Wow!!! We received Prophecy 155 yesterday and we are so full of joy and excitement. We are so very happy that Grace received another message from YAH, and this prophecy is listed officially as Amightywind Ministry's 155 prophecy, not as a guest prophecy. The significance is huge. Praise YAH for raising up prophet Grace!!! HalleluYAH!!!

Praise ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and Precious RUACH HA KODESH for strengthening the Amightywind Ministry, raising up loyal associate ministers, workers, translators, web managers, app managers and financial supporters, to preach the Word of YAH to the four corners of the earth!!! Asa Mikaiyah, come forth!!! Lazarus, come forth!!! Hebrew translators, come forth!!! People, offer your help to the Ministry, come forth in YAH's Name!!! May YAH's will be done on earth as is in the Heaven!!! HalleluYAH!!! Amen!!!
from Ghana In WestAfrica
# 176
04.03.2025 | 09:38
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ABBA YAHUVEH ELOHIM, bless you all at this ministry to reach HIS wonderful good news every at conner of this earth in this END TIME.
I. am also playing my part on facebook as well as on my whasapp contacts and some members of my SDA church at Accra. They are kinda stereotype to Hellen G. White, so they hardly comply with the current tidying Good News of ABBA YAH, in this era
I, surely believed it only a matter of time HE would touch the heart of the church to warmly embrace every single WORD from HIM.

I, was part of the Organized Sunday Church Associations, thanks to A.W.M. I, am now observing the seventhday true SABBATH of ABBA YAH, since 2017, although the HOLY SPIRIT led me to ministry in 2014 when I, was doing some research I, can hardiy remember, on google.
I, am so happy that ABBA YAHUVEH ELOHIM, have chosen me to work for HIM through this Ministry.

Thank you very much Elishevah Eliyahu and all the team at A.W.M...I love you all and stay blessed in the name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH...bye!!!
YAH's Yitzhak
# 175
21.02.2025 | 00:01
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Shabbat Shalom to Momma Elisheva, Asa Mikaiyah and all brothers and sisters in YAHUSHUA,

Shabbat Shalom!!! HalleluYAH!!!
Thank YOU YAH for giving us this wonderful End Time Ministry so that people will not be led astray. It shines the Light of YAHUSHUA in the hour of darkness and leads us to the path of righteousness, that we may be saved.

Thank YOU YAH for hiding us under YOUR wings and keep us away from satan's deception and control. Thank YAH for the warning dreams, through tests and trials our faith and spiritual maturity grow.

Praise ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and Precious RUACH HA KODESH for all the precious teachings, prophecies, warnings and dreams. They are the most precious gifts given to all of us. Thank YOU YAH for teaching us these precious knowledge through this Heavenly Ministry. Thank you all Ministry workers for all those beautiful and amazing videos on YAHstube. Thank YAH for blessing Momma Elisheva, all the Ministry workers, website managers, associate Minsters, translators and all financial supporters.

Hebrew translators, come forth! Asa Mikaiyah, come forth! Lazarus, come forth! HalleluYAH!!! May YAH bless all the Shabbat service in the world, especially the New Zealand branch, we love your Shabbat service and concert videos very much. May YAH pour abundant anointings and blessings on all of you.

YAH's children
# 174
14.02.2025 | 00:12
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Praise YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, who is the King of the Jews, the only Saviour, Judge and Ruler of all humanity, true close friend, Groom, and real Husband. Thank YAH for giving everyone the love for the Hebrew and Israel until forever.

Precious Momma Elisheva, Eliyahu of New, YAH's only Ring Maiden Momma Prophet, Happy Tu B'Shvat!!! Shabbat Shalom!!!

Thank YAH for giving the world such a wonderful Heavenly Last Chance Ministry and give the humanity a chance to repent and return to holiness, hanging on to YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH forever. HalleluYAH!!!

Thank YAH for planting human as the trees of righteousness. YAH do not wish anyone to perish, that all should be saved. Thank YAH for creating us in YOUR image, respect us and give us freedom of choice. Thank YAH that human choose to praise YAH forever and put YAH first in their life, love YOU with all their hearts and all their might, and be YAH's loyal and good managers.

Blessed are those who come in the Name of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH!!!
from United States of America
# 173
07.02.2025 | 22:10
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SHABBAT SHALOM ELISHEVA ELIYAHU, YAHUVEH GOD'S precious prophet to the nations! And all of AMIGHTYWIND Congregation Worldwide. Thank you! From one bride of PRECIOUS YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH to all the babies, bride, chosen ones and elect, all YAHUSHUA'S demon stompers, and the 2 witnesses. I pray for all souls whose names are written in the LAMBS BOOK OF LIFE and pray we have a peaceful and blessed SHABBAT. Thank you DADDY GOD YAHUVEH AND YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH AND SWEET HOLY SPIRIT, IMMAYAH. I pray precious DADDY GOD YAHUVEH that you will rain down your heavenly blessings from your storehouses on all who love, praise, worship and adore you. Thank you DADDY GOD YAHUVEH IN YAHUSHUA NAME for YOUR precious invisible shield of protection around each of us as we hide in the secret place of the MOST HIGH..thank you DADDY GOD YAHUVEH, thank you YAHUSHUA and thank you PRECIOUS IMMAYAH for each prophecy and warnings of what is coming to this world in the endtime! I pray YAHUSHUA, thank you for your precious chastisement..In YAHUSHUA'S NAME and love ❤️ Vivian
YAH’s Yosef
# 172
07.02.2025 | 01:25
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Our precious Prophet Momma Elisheva, Prophet Asa Mikaiyah, associate ministers and families in YAHUSHUA, Shabbat Shalom!

We are always grateful that how all of you are being faithful, loyal and obedient to YAH no matter what has happened. Thank you for doing the Will of YAHUVEH as your food, being one body in YAHUSHUA and willing to suffer for YAHUSHUA’s sake. We love you, kiss you and hug all of you. Thank you for your hard work. We pray that you will have more Wisdom on caring the Temple of IMMAYAH and more discernment for the end time. We can’t wait for Asa Mikaiyah, the Hebrew translators, President Donald Trump, lost sheep and lambs, all holy ones coming forth and gather together in this Temple without wall. HalleluYAH!

All praise, honor and glory be to YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and the RUACH HA KODESH alone, in YAHUSHUA’s Name, Amen!
from United States of America
# 171
05.02.2025 | 21:34
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Shalom! Precious PROPHET and ANOINTED lady ELISHEVA ELIYAHU! I wanted to let you know that I read the prophecy 140 you released given by DADDY GOD YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH AND SWEET HOLY SPIRIT IMMAYAH, I hit the link to copy it to share to my YouTube page and it says 141 was copied to my clipboard, I tried to copy 139, it was 139, but 141 and 140 come as 141. So I can't share it, will you please send me an email letting me know it's fixed? I also saw about a 3 second was a man and I don't know if he was running or walking, there was several people and they were on a crowded street, I only saw the face of the man, and it looked like his face was melting..I don't want a nuclear attack but I think it's coming to soon! It's scary, but PRAISE YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH for our invisible shield of protection around us! Thank you Elisheva for your hard work and all of AMIGHTYWIND congregation worldwide! I am truly blessed and grateful for YAHUVEH GOD AND YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH AND MOMMA IMMAYAHS PRECIOUS PRECIOUS HOLY PROPHETIC WORDS..May YAHUVEH GOD bless you all with HIS treasures straight from HEAVEN! In the precious NAME of YAHUSHUA you are truly a blessing in my life! YAHUSHUA bless you. Vivian Heart
YAH's Yitzhak
# 170
31.01.2025 | 00:55
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Dear Momma Elisheva, Asa Mikaiyah, all Ministry workers, brothers and sisters with their names written in the LAMB's Book of Life,

Shabbat Shalom!!! HalleluYAH!!! We thank YAH for giving us precious spiritual food through reading and studying the Bible, the Lost Books, YAH's teachings, dreams, prophecies through Momma Elisheva and ministry workers' hard work. May YAH continue to bless Momma Elisheva and all workers of this Ministry, pouring all of you unlimited amount of anointings and blessings, and protect you from enemies' attacks and wicked curses. All enemies, satanist elites and their evil crafts shall all fail, and their evil schemes and curses shall return back unto themselves seven folds!!!

We are eternally grateful at YAH's blessings in our times of need and we pray that YAH also blesses Momma Elisheva, all the Bride, chosen one and the elects the wisdom of management just like Joseph.

And we also rejoice and thank YAH for giving America more time to repent and right the wrong. May YAH bless President Trump and wash the blood from the white house.

We thank YAH for protecting all the Bride, chosen one, the elects and the two witnesses in this chaotic world. All of you are safely hidden under ABBA YAH's wings, safe and sound. Although the world is now chaotic and disastrous, in YAH we have peace and joy. YAH will reciprocate your love and sacrifice and you shall not lack, and the riches of the evil will transfer to the righteous.

HalleluYAH! Praise ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and Precious RUACH HA KODESH for the abundance in your life. YAH bless all of you!!! In YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH's Name and Blood, amen!
YAH's children
# 169
24.01.2025 | 00:20
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To Precious Prophet Momma Elisheva, and all loyal people who stay by your sides forever, Shabbat Shalom! Praise YAH for giving Jerusalem, Israel, Ishmaelites and President Trump forever peace!!! Praise YAH that the Heaven pray for all of you days and nights, praising YAH non stop and give you such wonderful lives. HalleluYAH!!!

Praise YAH that we share the same sukkah with YAH forever and celebrate Hanukkah, waiting for Purim, 31st Anniversary and Momma Elisheva's birthday!!!

We thank all translators who translate prophecies and letters into different languages. We thank YAH for giving you stronger and stronger anointings and gifts.

We are very grateful to YAH that we have the guestbook before YAH's throne, YAH's wonderful website and so many evidence behind prophecies, as well as so many testimonies and IMMAYAH's amazing songs.

We thank YAH that all of you are living in the Bride sanctuary forever. The eternal jubilee has already begun. Praise YAH that you and your families shall forever remain under YAH's wings, not a single one is lost or left behind. All shall find testimony as unto Enoch, HalleluYAH!!! All in the Name and Blood of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, amen.
YAH's Yesof
# 168
17.01.2025 | 01:16
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Beloved Prophet Momma Elisheva, Prophet Asa Mikaiyah, associate ministers and families in YAHUSHUA, Shabbat Shalom!

Thank YAH for giving all of you blessings upon blessings in all ways. Guiding you what to do, when to do and where to go each and every day. And giving you the Wisdom from IMMAYAH and the gift of storage like unto Joseph for the end time. We join in all your prayers and pray that the prayers will soon be answered by YAH in the physical realm as they are YAH’s Will. We love you, hug you and kiss you! YAH blesses all of you! HalleluYAH!

All praises, honor and glory be to YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and the RUACH HA KODESH, in YAHUSHUA’s Name, Amen!
from United States of America
# 167
15.01.2025 | 20:27
Shalom Momma Elisheva, 2020 was my year of jubilee and when DADDY GOD YAHUVEH revealed HIS YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH to me and the PRECIOUS RUACH HA KODESH SWEET HOLY SPIRIT MOMMA IMMAYAH to me, I had the unknown peace of all 3 in 1 precious HOLY TRINITY, Thank you Elisheva and all who work with you at AMIGHTYWIND worldwide..I pray in YAHUSHUA'S NAME that DADDY GOD YAHUVEH rains down all HIS blessings on each of us..I truly am blessed and was delivered quickly from the enemies hands! I was singing so loud Praising DADDY GOD YAHUVEH AND YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH AND SWEET MOMMA IMMAYAH..YAHUVEH IS GOOD ALL THE TIME, ALL THE TIME YAHUVEH IS GOOD! I PRAY I WILL MEET EACH OF YAHUSHUA/YAHUVEH GOD'S BRIDE ON EARTH, OR HEAVEN! THIS PRECIOUS LAST CHANCE ENDTIME MINISTRY IS TRULY HEAVEN SENT..thank you and YAHUVEH bless you! In YAHUSHUA precious Love.. Heart
YAH's children
# 166
10.01.2025 | 01:30
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Shabbat Shalom to our precious Ring Maiden Momma Elisheva and all precious people who remain loyal by your side forever. We thank YAH for blessing you until forever.

We thank YAH that we received prophecy 150, 69, 70's prophecy blessings. Only blessings are in store for YAH's children in the year 2025, HalleluYAH!!! Praise YAH that we participate in all of YAH's countdown. We thank YAH for blessing Jerusalem, Israel, Ishmaelites, YAH's President Trump and YAH's children and give them peace until forever.
YAH's children
# 165
27.12.2024 | 00:04
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Happy Hanukkah! Shabbat Shalom!!!
Precious Prophet Momma Elisheva, and Israel's Asa Mikaiyah, and all true children of YAH, we thank YAH that all of you are in the same sukkah as YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH celebrating this wonderful Hanukkah. The miracle of Maccabees will happen again. HalleluYAH until forever!!!
YAH's Yesof
# 164
25.12.2024 | 01:11
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Our precious Prophet Momma Elisheva, Prophet Asa Mikaiyah, associate ministers and families in YAHUSHUA, Happy Blessed Hanukkah!

Thank YOU YAHUVEH for sending YOUR only Begotten SON into this world. Thank YOU SHKHINYAH GLORY for putting the Little Fetus into the womb of a virgin through YOUR hands. Thank YOU YAHUSHUA for willingly coming to this world to set an example for us to follow. Thank YOU for being our only Guiding Light to direct our path toward YOU, toward Heaven. YOU are our Blessed Hope! Thank YOU YAH for this wonderful, beautiful miracle. HalleluYAH! We love YOU!

Thank YOU YAH for protecting, sheltering and delivering Momma RM, Asa Mikaiyah, associate ministers, YDSs, President Donald Trump, AmightyWind congregation from all the enemies. Thank YOU for giving all of us the warring spirit as Maccabees to fight against the evil with the spiritual weapons YOU have given to us. We expect miracles! That Asa Asa Mikaiyah shall come forth! Hebrew translators shall come forth! All prayers of the righteous shall be heard and be manifested in the physical realm as in YOUR will and timing! HalleluYAH!

All praise, honor and glory only belong to our Creator of Universe YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and the RUACH HA KODESH, in YAHUSHUA’s Name, Amen!
YAH's children
# 163
25.12.2024 | 01:11
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Happy Hanukkah, Happy Feast of the Dedication!!! Precious Momma Elisheva, we thank YAH that you are all in the same sukkah as YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and celebrate Hanukkah with joy!!!

We thank IMMAYAH for conceiving Miriam and gave Birth to YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH during Sukkot!!! We also grateful for the 8 days oil lamp miracle of Maccabees.

We thank YAH for lighting up our lamp, that we may dedicate ourselves forever as the living sacrifice. We live solely for YAH and walk in HIS footsteps. We stay away from pagan holidays and the lies of satan's claws and no longer be lied to by satan. We closely follow after YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH who is our example. In YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH's Holy Name, amen!
YAH's Yitzhak
# 162
25.12.2024 | 01:10
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Dear Momma Elisheva, Asa Mikaiyah, all Ministry workers, brothers and sisters with their names written in the LAMB's Book of Life,

Happy Hanukkah!!! Happy Feast of the Dedication!!! May you all be abundantly blessed and anointed during this joyous celebration!!! HalleluYAH!!!

Praise YAH for giving us YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH our Lord and Saviour, our only intercessor before the throne of YAHUVEH!!! By a miracle YAHUSHUA was placed inside Miriam's womb by IMMAYAH's hands, HE who became the sacrificial Lamb for the sake of our sinners!! Only through YAHUSHUA we are saved from our sins and be worthy of Heaven!!! Praise YAHUSHUA!!!

We also commemorate the victory of Maccabees and how the oil lamp in the temple lit for eight days instead of one!!! HalleluYAH!!! ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and Precious IMMAYAH are worthy of all the Praise, Honor and Glory!!!
YAH's children
# 161
20.12.2024 | 00:57
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Dec 21, 2024.
HalleluYAH!!! Praise YAH that we made two sweet bread to celebrate the reunification of Judah and Ephraim, their fullness of anointing. Asa Mikaiyah and Momma Elisheva will be united, and two rods united as one.

In this wonderful time we wait for the miraculous Hanukkah in the sukkah. Praise YAH that Asa Mikaiyah will come forth. The eternal, sweet happiness of Israel and YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH is about to begin!!!

Praise YAH that the Bride of Israel come forth, New Caleb come forth, Hebrew translators come forth, Asa Mikaiyah come forth!!!
We thank YAH for loving Israel so very much and bless Jerusalem with peace until forever.

We thank YAH for giving Donald Trump a billion folds of spirit of discernment and Solomon's wisdom, that no false prophets and anti christ can get close to him.
We pray that YAH will destroy Donald Trump's clone. Do not let the devil commit evil in the name of religion.

Praise YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH that HE really reach out to Donald Trump, that he may learn of the importance of precious prophecies, dreams, Holy Names, Holy feasts and festivals.
Shabbat Shalom to precious Prophet Momma Elisheva and YAH's congregation!!
In YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH's Holy Name, amen!!
YAH's Children
# 160
13.12.2024 | 00:04
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Precious Momma Elisheva, Asa Mikaiyah, Ministry workers, all brothers and sisters with their names written in the LAMB's Book of Life,

Shabbat Shalom!!! Hanukkah is coming very soon and we can't wait for this wonderful celebration to come. We wish all of you a happy, blesses, anointed Hanukkah!!! HalleluYAH!!!

May YAH give Momma Elisheva more spiritual weapons to fight against this world of evil. May YAH satisfy all of Ministry's needs and increase all of your anointings in thousand folds!!!

All enemies of YAH, their curses and witchcraft shall return back to themselves seven folds!! Satan's elites shall run in seven different direction!!!

We thank YAH for blessing President Donald Trump and his team. Thank YAH for giving America four more years to repent. Satan's claws have no place here because we have YAH on our side!!! HalleluYAH!!!

In YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH's Name and Blood, amen!!!
YAH's children
# 159
06.12.2024 | 23:41
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Wow!!! HalleluYAH!!! Dec 7th is the anniversary of prophecy 154's release. It was given 3 years ago on the same day, 3 days before Hanukkah and released 3 years later on the same day, first day of Hanukkah on 2023.

The power of the prophecy comes straight from Heaven that shakes the hell. Legions of demons and satan's spawn are destroyed by YAH directly. YAHUVEH is EL SHADDAI, a GOD that destroys all evil. HalleluYAH!!!

Anyone who intentionally slander this Prophet and make her weep, knowing that she is YAH's true servant, YAH will multiply every drop of her tears a million folds. Anyone who intentionally lie to this Prophet shall face the fate of Ananias and Sapphira.

Praise YAH that the true children of YAH have the heart of repentance and awe. They all work out their own salvation with trembling and fear.

Shabbat Shalom, precious Momma. Thank you for releasing prophecy 154 that help us to live our days with more faith, and help us become more humble and repent with a teachable heart and follow YAH's order. We only have to praise YAH no matter what YAH allows happening to us.

Dear Momma, we thank YAH for giving you all the prophecies, prayers and Carman's songs. They are always with YAH's children and listen to YAH's voice even in dreams.

Praise YAH for increasing the anointings on you and YAH's children daily, as well as changing your DNA as quickly as possible. All of you already has a pair of invisible wings. In YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH's Name, Blood and love, amen!!!
YAH's children
# 158
06.12.2024 | 01:15
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Precious Momma Elisheva, Shabbat Shalom.
Precious Momma Kathrynyah, Dad Adam, and ministers including Jesse and Lin An, and all helpers who are loyal by your side, including all loyal translators, shabbat shalom!

Praise YAH that we'd waited for 6 years since 2007, then another 3 years until I met this Heavenly Ministry in 2015. 3 years later I discovered the life of the Rechabbites. It's all because of prophecy 136. We asked YAH what to read and then we discovered these precious lost books.

I put these knowledge of the lost books with the prophecies on my website. So some of them objected me only because of the lost books I promoted but not the prophecies.

At first I dared not treat Momma too good. Because I feared bringing more hurt if I left, because so many people had betrayed you. But I love you and I want to give you everything I have.

In 2019, I made video without permission wanting to help Caleb return and instead I hurt you and YAH deeply. I had only just wanted Caleb to turn back. I was willing to pay any price as long as he returns. I helped you the same way as I had helped others' marriages. I begged for his return in my name.

Because of these prophecies, YAH cried. I had been crying also. I cried and lamented at home if I didn't need to go to work.
I cried as I watched videos of people celebrating Momma's birthday. Momma had received much greater hurt, more than I had in my marriage.

But I wanted to help you and instead I hurt you. I was really sad. But on the day of receiving your warning message and several days before that, I received several really good dreams and I knew all things happened were YAH's great blessings.

Here again I thank Momma for giving us this huge warning message on July 2, 2019.
We also rejoiced for the blessings we had received when we repented and obeyed.

You love us so much and talked so many words to us. I felt unworthy, very touched and grateful. Only you would love us like this in this world and give us a heart to heart talk.

From 2019 to 2024, another 6 candles were gonna be blown.
If YAH think it's good, may Asa Mikaiyah come forth and be with you forever. May your 3 sons and relatives not be left behind and not lost.
Because of the deep love you have for us, may YAH repay you a billion folds.

Praise YAH that the foolish virgins shall borrow extra oils earlier and become wise in one night. Praise YAH that goats shall turn into sheep in one night. Praise YAH that the martyrs shall become first fruits in one night and be protected. Praise YAH that all who have offended YAH's ministry and Prophet Elisheva, shall repent immediately and send letter or video to apologize.

Praise YAH that all Calebs and Micahs, YAH's Trump shall come forth immediately. May all evil spirits of religion unification, madness and foolishness, envy, hatred, gluttony, pretend, slander, selfishness, blasphemy, disrespect, carelessness, spirits of the wife of removed.

Praise YAH for giving all of us new hearts and new spirits and be complete, holy and obedient. May everyone be families as unto Abraham, Issac, Jacob. All for YAH's glory, honor and praise. May it be done in YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH's Holy Name, amen. HalleluYAH!!!
from bourgogne
# 157
29.11.2024 | 00:49
chère Mag.mag. j'aimerai de tout coeur te lire . je te donnerai de mes nouvelles..Ce que je n'ai pu faire car (piratage) .
je pense tous les jours à mes soeurs de coeus.
j'ai besoin de prières. je suis entourée de déons et je reste dans chambre.
D ceci à momma Elisaisabth
un bouquet de Bénénédictions àtous ceux du Ministère.
# 156
22.11.2024 | 15:19
網站評級: 5 的 5 星
平均的: 5.0 的 108 收視率
On this shabbat I followed the instructions of prophecy 136,as I open my bible YAH cause mine eyes to hit on the phrase"fig tree withered" So beloved in Yahushua ha Mashiach , shalom in the Messiah YAHUSHUA.
YAH's Yitzhak
# 155
22.11.2024 | 00:06
網站評級: 5 的 5 星
平均的: 5.0 的 108 收視率
Precious Momma Elisheva, Asa Mikaiyah, Ministry workers and loyal congregations, all brothers and sisters in YAHUSHUA,

Shabbat Shalom!!!

Praise YAH!! HalleluYAH for giving President Trump the victory!!! Thank YAH for giving America more time to repent and be better. We pray that Trump will have more wisdom and gift of discernment because he is chosen by YAH to be the president of the USA!!! HalleluYAH!!!

We thank YAH for listening to all of our prayers and bless Trump and his team, so that his campaign won over the satanic enemies!!! May YAH blesses Trump and all enemies ran in seven different direction!!! The deep state, satanic plot shall fail!!! HalleluYAH!!! YAH is worthy of all Praise, Honor and Glory!!!

And we also look forward to the coming Hanukkah and we await patiently at YAH's blessings and anointing as well as Asa Mikaiyah's coming forth!!!

YAH blesses all of you and America!!! HalleluYAH!!!

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