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YAH's Yitzhak
# 129
16.08.2024 | 00:02
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Precious Momma Elisheva, Asa Mikaiyah, all hard working Ministry Workers, YDS, financial supporters and all brothers and sisters with their names written in the LAMB's Book of Life,

Shabbat Shalom!!! HalleluYAH!!! Praise ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and Precious RUACH HA KODESH for blessing and anointing this Ministry. Thank you, Momma Elisheva and all associate ministers and all ministry workers. Thank you for your hard work and sacrifices to bring in more souls toward YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH!!

We received prophecy 111 and this prophecy is extremely helpful to us as it cuts off all contracts and bondage by the devil. Momma also received vicious attacks from the enemies for our sakes. We thank YAH for giving us this precious prophecy and we pray that YAH will repay Momma Elisheva tens of thousands fold for her sacrifice.

Asa Mikaiyah, come forth! Hebrew translators, come forth! Lazarus, come forth!! YAH bless all of you!! In YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH's Name, amen! HalleluYAH!!!
YAH's Yosef
# 128
02.08.2024 | 00:28
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Precious prophet Momma Elisheva, Prophet Asa Mikaiyah, associate ministers and all families in YAHUSHUA, Shabbat Shalom! Heart Heart Heart

HalleluYAH! Praise ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA and our sweet IMMAYAH! We love YOU, adore YOU, worship YOU and give thanks to YOU forever and ever. Thank YOU that YOU are a GOD of love, mercy, holy and righteousness. Thank YOU for all the miracles YOU have done for YOUR children all around the world. Every day of our life is filled with YOUR miracle, YOUR grace. Thank YOU for taking vengeance on our enemies, especially for Amightywind Ministry and President Donald Trump.

May we be worthy of YOUR love, YOUR blessings, YOUR salvation, being called YOUR children. May we never bring YOU tears, bring shame on YOU and anger YOU. YAH, please trim our branches, so that we can bear abundant good fruits, the fruits of IMMAYAH, each and every day.

All praises honor and glory to YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and the RUACH HA KODESH, in YAHUSHUA’s Name, Amen! Heart Heart Heart
YAH's children
# 127
27.07.2024 | 00:55
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July 27, 2024
Momma Elisheva our only Ring Maiden, Shabbat Shalom! Also shabbat shalom to the Ring Bearer Asa Mikaiyah of Israel and all the saints who join in all Momma's prayers, as well as all who love Jerusalem, USA president Donald Trump.

The 27th is Momma Elisheva and IMMAYAH's day. We commemorate all sacrifices Momma Elisheva made for every prophecies anointings.

The 27th is also the 7th day of our monthly Jericho March to destroy all enemies of President Donald Trump and YAH's Ministry, fetuses, babes and children. All enemies are destroyed by YAH and turned into ashes. None remains.

We also enter into the cloud spiritually, join with Momma's prayer and singing the song "DADDY GOD". We also commemorate Moses' wonderful 40 days with YAHUVEH.

Starting from 23rd we celebrate by eating unleavened bread for three days. I felt the Heaven was also celebrating with us.

We thank our true FATHER DADDY GOD, the only one who rules and HE protects President Trump's position. We pray that he and his family's soul will be saved.

We thank YAH who is our only BOSS. HE gives the Kingdom according to HIS will.

We praise YAH that we celebrate YAH's victory every day, give America 4 more years and many more souls will return to YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH.

It is all for the praise, honor and glory of "I AM", EL SHADAI!!! HalleluYAH!!! HalleluYAH!!! HalleluYAH!!!

July 23, 2024.
I dreamed that I was with Trump and his wife happily. He became the president again. And I told his wife that the devil had stolen Donald Trump's position, otherwise he could have been president in the previous election.
uit India
# 126
26.07.2024 | 02:02
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We Praise YOU, We Thank YOU, We Love YOU & Adore YOU ABBA YAH, YAHUSHUA, & IMMAYAH for saving our Beloved President Donald J. Trump from that evil bullet sent by satan.

Thank YOU that YOU still had Mercy, Grace and Love for the USA and this wicked world. We know its the prayers of the righteous that you have heard and answered. Thank YOU all who prayed in truth, spirit and love for President Donald J. Trump.
YAH's Yitzhak
# 125
25.07.2024 | 19:23
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Dear Precious Momma Elisheva, Asa Mikaiyah, all Ministry workers, and all brothers and sisters with their names written in the LAMB's Book of Life,

Shabbat Shalom!!

Praise ABBA YAHUVEH!! Praise YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH!! Praise precious RUACH HA KODESH!!! Thank YOU thank YOU for giving Donald Trump the victory!! Thank YOU for giving America another four years, to prove to the world that YOU are ALMIGHTY in every way!!! Let the enemies run in seven different directions for they know YOUR force and armies of angels and YDS are unstoppable!!! All their evil schemes have no effect but only return to them seven fold!!!

We praise YOU for giving us many signs and dreams, and continue to guide us and sanctify us and prepare us according to our spiritual maturity. YOU know what's best for us and we are grateful that YOU give us this precious Ministry which is like a beacon in the world of sins. All the prophecies, teachings, lost books of the Bible are like the most precious treasures that surpass all treasures on earth.

Thank you Momma Elisheva and all the workers of the Ministry for your hard work and sacrifices to bring forth this Ministry. We constantly pray for your health and safety. YAHUVEH bless you and love you. We love you and we hope to be a blessing unto you as well. We pray that Asa Mikaiyah, Hebrew translators shall come forth in YAH's perfect timing.

Praise YAH we have no lack in YAH because HE is our shepherd and we shall lack nothing!!! HalleluYAH!!!

# 124
23.07.2024 | 23:52
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HalleluYAH, HaleluIMMAYAH, HaleluYAHUSHUA, Amen.
YAH's children
# 123
18.07.2024 | 23:31
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July 20, 2024
Precious Ring Maiden Momma Elisheva and all those who stays by your side loyally and helps you, Shabbat Shalom!

HalleluYAH!! We thank YAH for giving our precious sister Grace the song as we don't know how to express our increasing love and gratitude to Momma for all the prophecies and warning dreams that give us so many help and blessings.

Each Holy Feast and Shabbat sanctifies and renews us. We receive huge promises, especially the gifts of repentance, obedience, the fear of YAH and the ability to praise YAH, that we can bear IMMAYAH's fruits forever.

Only Almighty GOD "I AM" forever lives within us. No one else from the world except "I AM" remains forever. All evils cannot remain and they are to be burned into ashes forever. In YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH's Name, Amen. HalleluYAH praise YAH!!!
YAH's children
# 122
27.06.2024 | 21:36
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Precious Prophet Pastor Momma Elisheva, Israel's Asa Mikaiyah, and all loyal partners of YAH's ministry, shabbat shalom!!

Praise YAH we received prophecy 98 on June 27th, and commemorated the miracle that Archangel Michael appeared before Momma Elisheva in South Africa. Thank you Archangel Michael for protecting this ministry, Israel and all holy people.

We are grateful to YAH that we received this huge prophecy 145 and we also love prophecy 81, 82, 83 and so much more.

Every prophecy is a treasure that we support and cherish. We believe every word spoken out of Momma Elisheva and we are grateful for every suffering and tears you endured for all of us.
We constantly pray and unite with you until forever.

All for the praise honor and glory of YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and IMMAYAH, thank YOU for giving us such wonderful lives. HalleluYAH!!!
YAH's children
# 121
20.06.2024 | 23:28
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Dear Momma Elisheva, Asa Mikaiyah, associate ministers, all brothers and sisters with their names written in the LAMB's Book of Life,

Shabbat Shalom!! Happy FATHER's day!!! We commemorate this day by singing the song "Daddy GOD" as it reminds us of the love and deliverance to all of us.

Praise YAH for giving us this precious song "Daddy GOD" to Momma Elisheva for all of us and comfort all the broken hearts.

Thank YOU ABBA YAHUVEH for avenging all the innocent souls of the fetuses, babies, children, the martyrs and so on, as well as all the brides, chosen one, elects and guests that are being persecuted and chased after by enemies.

YAH will put all the enemies in HIS wine press and meat grinder of wrath and they will run away in seven different directions!

Thank YOU YAH, there will be no more sorrow, no more pain, and only everlasting joy and peace! HalleluYAH!!!

We worship, praise and love ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, and Precious RUACH HA KODESH forever!!! In YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH's Name, Amen!
YAH's children
# 120
20.06.2024 | 00:33
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June 20 2024.

We commemorate the day Elisheva spoke with ABBA YAHUVEH and sat on HIS lap, and rested her head on HIS shoulders. Momma Elisheva was under evil attacks from enemies due to prophecies 89 and 90. Just as IMMAYAH let Momma Elisheva rested her head on HER shoulders in the Heaven banquet table dream, ABBA YAHUVEH did the same.

We thank ABBA YAHUVEH that HE is our true FATHER. We see this day as FATHER's day. We are no longer orphans and we will never be lonely again.

Praise YAH for giving us our spiritual dad Asa Mikaiyah, Adam, President Trump and all brothers who stand with Momma Elisheva. Happy Father's day!!!

We also continue to celebrate YDS's anniversary for a month and remember Momma Elisheva who endured great pain to birth forth this new branch of the Ministry.

We thank YAH that this Ministry shall never have reprobates. May we all be YDS forever and trample the devil and snakes under our feet. We are more than conquerors in YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH's Name, HalleluYAH!!!
YAH's Yitzhak
# 119
07.06.2024 | 00:10
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Dear Momma Elisheva, Asa Mikaiyah, associate ministers, all ministry workers,

Shabbat Shalom! Happy countdown to the Omer!! Shavuot is coming near!! HalleluYAH!!

Praise YAH for giving all of you the anointing, wisdom and knowledge to develop such useful and beautiful phone app and window app. We have been using them and we can see so much IMMAYAH's anointing in them and we are so grateful for such a timely gift in these end times. HalleluYAH!!!

Momma Elisheva, we love you, we want to hug you and kiss you forever!! Thank you thank you for your sacrifice for this Ministry and we praise ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and the Precious RUACH HA KODESH for choosing you to bring forth this Amightywind Ministry.

Thank you, Momma Elisheva, for ministering to us and lead our souls to Heaven. We only hope we are found pleasing unto YAH and we are worthy of being YAHUSHUA's Bride and may we meet in Heaven!!! HalleluYAH!!!

Shavuot is arriving soon and we pray that IMMAYAH pour down blessings and anointings on all of you a thousand folds!! Asa Mikaiyah, come forth! Hebrew translators, come forth! All enemies' curses will return back to them in seven folds and they will run in seven different directions!!! In YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH's Name, Amen!
YAH's Yosef
# 118
31.05.2024 | 03:22
Our precious Prophet Momma Elisheva, Prophet Asa Mikaiyah, associate ministers and families in YAHUSHUA, Shabbat Shalom! Happy Countdown of the Omer!

Thank YOU YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA and IMMAYAH for giving us chances to count the Omer until Shavu’ot. Thank YOU for letting us learn and refine our different attributes through the teachings from Amightywind Ministry.

YAH, please refine us in YOUR way and of YOUR will and make us pure and holy. YAH, please give us a pure heart, a heart desiring holiness, obedience, faithfulness, meekness, humbleness, repentance like unto David and Moses, and a heart pleasing YOU YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA and IMMAYAH and put YOU first in our life and love in trillions fold.

Thank you Momma Elisheva and Amightywind Ministry, thank you all your hard works. We enjoy listening the audios, watching the videos and using the APP so much. We love you!

All praises, honor and glory belong to ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and IMMAYAH the RUACH HA KODESH, in YAHUSHUA’s Name, Amen!
YAH's children
# 117
28.05.2024 | 23:56
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Shabbat Shalom on the 7th day Holy Convocation of Second Passover!

Wow!!! We thank YAH for giving more wisdom to the saints of this Ministry that give us such beautiful videos, apps, and this Heavenly website. HalleluYAH!!! Praise IMMAYAH for bestowing more anointing, blessings and gifts to all of you.

We thank YAH that we sing the song of Moses non stop, as well as the new song, song of the LAMB, song of the first fruit. We sing and dance to praise and comfort YAH.

We are grateful that YAH seal and protect every one who is obedient and listen to YAH's every instruction and order. We shall never let go of YAH.

Praise YAH that all evil spirits are drown in the red sea so that we have the freedom to worship YAH forever and ever!!! All for YAH's Glory, HalleluYAH!!!

Momma Elisheva, we love you forever!!! In YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH's Name, amen!
# 116
27.05.2024 | 12:46
Greetings AMW Ministry. The counting of the Omer this year of 2024 has been a great blessing to me. I have learned a lot for the lessons each day. May Almighty YAH Bless You All and Protect You and Provide for all your needs and wants, in YAHSHUA HA MASHIACH'S Name, Amen.
Francis Yohang
uit Papua New Guinea
# 115
23.05.2024 | 23:05
Dear Mommor Elisheva Eliyahu Asamakaya and the members of MightyWind Ministry and ABA YAH, I wish to thank you with sincere heart of deep love for making this ministry a saving ministry. I has been an ark that comes to save. It is like a Noah's Ark. And I can say that I am safe now. I am saved because a savier has saved me and his name is YAHUSHUA.

Please I love you all and YAH bless you! Shalom!
YAH's Yitzhak
# 114
23.05.2024 | 21:06
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Dear Momma Elisheva, Asa Mikaiyah, all brothers and sisters with their names written in the LAMB's Book of Life,

Shabbat Shalom! Happy count down to the Omer! Happy 19th Birthday to YAHUSHUA's Demon Stompers!! HalleluYAH!!!

Praise ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and the Precious RUACH HA KODESH for giving us this wonderful wonderful armies of Holy prayer intercessors to fight alongside Momma Elisheva against the evil of this world. The prayers of the righteous avail much and things will be done in YAH's perfect timing, as long as we obey and strive to be holy. Victory only belongs to YAH!!! HalleluYAH!!

We thank YAH for urging us to be more obedient and listen carefully to every word of YAH, as well as being mindful of the words we speak, because YAHUSHUA had said that which proceeds out of the mouth defiles the man. YAHUSHUA is coming very soon, and I pray that we shall remain vigilant and never never ever cross the line of blasphemy, and let the evil win over our souls.

Praise YAH for revealing the sin and evil spirits within and with the power of YAH all the evil spirits of pride, selfishness, gluttony, anger, lies, disobedience, rebellion and other evil spirits are chased away and shall perish forever and ever!!!

In the Name and Blood of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, Amen!
uit USA
# 113
23.05.2024 | 00:14
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Today is the 29th day of the countdown of the omer, and is the 14th day of the 2nd Hebrew Month Iyar, and I believe it's the first so far, of the daily teachings, that asks to sign the Guestbook if this omer calendar has been a Blessing to us, which is why I'm signing. This is also the first time I've ever written in it, as well as the first time I've kept up with the daily omer reading teachings.

One thing I've noticed with the daily omer Calendar, as well as the weekly Shabbats Torah readings and the Prophecy readings, is that they in some way line up with things I was wondering about, or related to something YAH was showing me, a revelation, or relates to something going on in life, and makes me think how interesting it is that YAH lines up the lives of millions of people to have HIS Word that everyone is reading at the same time, be related to what's going on or what HE is showing.

Today is Second Passover! It's the 14th Day of the 2nd Hebrew Month. Today is Wednesday, which also lines up when YAHUSHUA was put on the Cross during HIS Passover, and rising just before sunset Saturday night.

The next day, Sunday, was Firstfruits. Joshua in the O.T. helps clear up the confusion when to keep Firstfruits, and that's after the weekly Shabbat, not the High Shabbat of Passover, and the fact YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH is associated with Firstfruits is evidence in itself of that.

Last Friday, I was looking up Noah's Flood, and I realized the date was the 17th, the same day the Flood occurred.

It was only the 17th on the Gregorian calendar, but not on the Biblical Calendar, but it still reminded me how we are in the 2nd Hebrew month currently.

I didn't realize until afterward that the 17th day of last week, was the 9th of the 2nd Hebrew month, and anytime that day after sundown (the 10th day) was the day that they took the Lamb for the Passover to hold it until the 14th, and it was also the same day that the animals starting entering the Ark in Genesis. The animals continued arriving over 7 days until the Flood started on the 17th... that would mean the Flood most likely started at sundown as it crossed over from the 16th day to the 17th day, since days begin at sundown on the Hebrew Calendar.

I was wondering why the Flood started during the time that lines up with 2nd Passover, instead of 1st Passover. Perhaps YAH extended HIS Mercy one more month, giving anyone possibly still savable any more time to repent, until the last one became rep, except for Noah's Family of course.

But since we know YAHUSHUA really was crucified on a Wednesday, and since I'm aware that YAH follows patterns in the Bible, I would not be surprised that 2nd Passover this year lines up with 2nd Passover during the time the Flood started... also considering I'm getting other signs beyond what I'm saying here.

Then that would make the 17th that the Flood started on a Sabbath... and that reminds me of how YAH said in the AMW Prophecies that tragedies will occur on the Sabbath to prove it's not done away with.

The next day, Sunday, was Firstfruits, which lines up with the 26th this month. Interestingly, 26 is the sum for the Hebrew numerals for the full name of YAHUVEH... similar to how the word for Asia in Chinese is a cross symbol which is pronounced the same as YAH, where you connected it to YAH's Name in Hebrew how the Hebrew letters relate to the Crucifixion.

So today is the 22nd, the 14th and is Second Passover. There are several more layers of revelations here to Ancient China and the number 22, of which I just began telling you about and will share more.

YAH Bless!
# 112
22.05.2024 | 22:37
Heart Heart Heart Heart

Beloved Amightywind Ministry and Momma Elisheva,

The counting of the Omer calendar and teachings are a great blessing to us!

YAHUSHUA MASHIACH bless you all!

Heart Heart Heart Heart
YAH's children
# 111
17.05.2024 | 01:57
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May 18, 2024

Our precious Prophet Momma Elisheva, Asa Mikaiyah and all the saints, shabbat shalom! Happy count down of the omer!

There are so many prove behind prophecies and prophecy warning dreams. What an amazing ministry coming straight from Heaven. We are in front of YAH's throne, in HIS Holy temple. What satan meant for evil YAH turned around for our good. And YAH turned our weeps into joy and laughter. HalleluYAH!

Praise YAH the Calebs will be resurrected and finish the job they are meant to do. All for the glory of YAH. HalleluYAH!!!

May 13, 2024
I dreamed of a trimmed garden. Caleb had just recovered and was peaceful. He was doing stretching and feeling joyful. There were works to be done by him in the garden.
YAH's children
# 110
04.05.2024 | 01:01
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May 5th, 2024.
Shabbat Shalom!! Happy 30th Anniversary of the Almightywind Online Ministry, Happy birthday to Momma Elisheva! We celebrate this 30 days huge victory forever!!! HalleluYAH!!!

From 2019 to 2024, praise YAH we have blown off all six candles!

Praise YAH we are all new creations in YAH. We carry YAH's cross, sing and dance in joy to celebrate YAH's victory, all for YAH's glory.

Thank you precious Momma Elisheva. We love you and YAH's ministry so much, we love Israel, the jews, Asa Mikaiyah of Israel and all the saints in the Bible just as much.

Praise the King of the Jews, YAHUSHUA for grafting us to be Jews forever.

Praise YAH that Caleb Anew shall come forth! Hebrew translators, come forth! The returned children of Israel, come forth! Asa Mikaiyah, come forth! Lazarus, come forth! Thank YOU YAH for saving the souls of President Donald J Trump and his families. America shall have another 4 years to repent!

All for YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, sweet IMMAYAH, ABBA YAHUVEH's honor and glory. In YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH's Name and Blood, amen!
YAH's Yitzhak
# 109
03.05.2024 | 04:00
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Dear Momma Elisheva, Asa Mikaiyah, all brothers and sisters with their names written in the LAMB's Book of Life,

Shabbat Shalom!! Happy Birthday to Momma Elisheva! Happy Anniversary to the Almightywind Online Ministry! Happy count down to the Omer! HalleluYAH!! We shall continue to celebrate forever and ever and never forget how blessed and anointed April 4th is to all of us.

Momma Elisheva, all transcribers, videos makers, website manger and all workers of the Almightywind Ministry, thank you, thank you for being a blessing to us and to the world. You have worked so hard for all of our salvation and I know YAH will reward you thousands and thousands folds of everything you sacrificed for this ministry's sake. We love you and kiss you everyday and we keep you in our prayers always.

HalleluYAH! All praise, honor and glory belong only to ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and Precious IMMAYAH RUACH HA KODESH!
YAH'S children
# 108
24.04.2024 | 21:30
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17th Nisan, the 3rd day of the grave guarding, 2nd day of counting of the Omer, Happy YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH's Resurrection Day!!!


The diciples' sadness had become eternal joy because of this wonderful moment. YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH had publicly shown HIS power as Almighty Elohim and take back all the devil had stolen, even the key to hell. HE takes control of our life forever. YAH is the eternal ruler and the only judge.
satan you are defeated!!!


Happy birthday to Momma Elisheva!!! Happy 30th anniversary to the Online Ministry!!!

YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH is coming back!!! Everyone is whole-heartedly prepared!! HalleluYAH!!!

In YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH's Name and Blood, Amen!!
YAH's Yosef
# 107
22.04.2024 | 21:32
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Our beloved Prophet Momma Elisheva, Prophet Asa Mikaiyah, associate ministers and families in YAHUSHUA, Happy Blessed Passover! Happy Feast of the Unleavened Bread! Happy Birthday to Momma Elisheva and Amightywind Ministry! HalleluYAH!

Thank YOU YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and the RUACH HA KODESH IMMAYAH for giving us chances to celebrate YOUR Holy Days and Feasts. We feel so honorable. Thank YOU ABBA YAHUVEH and IMMAYAH, YOU gave YOUR Only Begotten SON as a sacrifice for sin atonement for every human. Thank YOU YAHUSHUA, YOU were willing to borne our sickness, carry our sufferings and give up YOUR life for our sins’ sake. Thank YOU for being the One and Only Holy, Sinless sacrificial LAMB at Calvary and arose from the death after three days. We remember every punishment YOU had suffered and every wound YOU had beared. We are just YOUR creations, we are just made of dust, we are not worthy of it. YOUR love to us is over our understanding. Thank YOU very much!

Thank YOU ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA and IMMAYAH, in this end time, miracles upon miracles are done by YOUR hands. YOU shelter, protect and provide YOUR children around the world in unexpected way. HalleluYAH! Thank YOU YAH for strengthening our faith. What we need to do is to be YOUR obedient sheep and lambs, incline our ears to Heaven and follow our only Good Shepherd YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. We love YOU, we praise YOU, we worship YOU until forever and ever! HalleluYAH!

In YAHUSHUA’s Name and Blood, amen!
YAH's children
# 106
22.04.2024 | 21:31
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Wow HalleluYAH!!! Happy Passover and Feast of the Unleavened Bread!!!

Praise YAH for giving us a Passover like none other. We had been cleaning our sanctuary for 14 days and finally this wonder Passover and Feast of the Unleavened Bread have arrived.

We invite Momma Elisheva to drink the cup of Elijah from us. Thank you for preparing us for YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH's return, so that we could be YAH's spotless Bride.

Our victory is within these amazing and miraculous Holy Feasts. We celebrate them one after one, and the anointing are united one after another. We celebrate everyday until forever!!! HalleluYAH!!!

We thank YAH for giving President Trump, Asa Mikaiyah and YAH's ministry their Exodus. Praise YAH that all evil spirits, Haman, Esau, Judas, especially the spirit of lies, rebellion, pride, narcissism, kabbalah, all spirits of religion, spirits of the anti christ, dictatorship, as well as all evil spirits manifested within before our birth...All of them are put into YAHUVEH's wine press and meat grinder of wrath.

Praise YAH for shutting off all third eye and blinding the eyes of the reptilians, that we may escape from everything owned by satan.

Our former self has died forever, buried and nothing is left. Only YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH resurrected and remains within us.

Happy Birthday to Momma Elisheva, and Happy 30th Anniversary to Amightywind Online Ministry!!! HalleluYAH!!!

All for the Honor and glory of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, IMMAYAH and YAHUVEH! Amen!!
YAH Yitzhak
# 105
22.04.2024 | 21:30
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Dear Momma Elisheva, Asa Mikaiyah, all brothers and sisters with their names written in the LAMB's Book of Life,

Shabbat Shalom! Happy Feast of the Unleavened Bread! Happy Birthday to Momma Elisheva and Happy 30th Anniversary to the Online Amightywind Ministry! Wow! So much celebration packed in such a short time! What a wonderful month we are in!

We also commemorate that without YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH's sacrifice on calvary, none of us will be saved, for the wages of sin is death. YAHUSHUA had willingly endured mockery, tortures, even being nailed to a cross, and sacrificed HIMSELF as the Passover Lamb. Only with YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH's Saving Blood we are kept safe and free from devil's bondages. HalleluYAH!!!

Thank YOU YAH for removing all the leaven in our life. Thank YOU for YOUR love and chastisement. We submit all we have to YOU and prostrate before YOU. We Thank YOU with all our hearts.

All praise, honor and glory belong to ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and Precious RUACH HA KODESH!!! May YOUR wills be done on earth, as it is in Heaven!!! HalleluYAH! Amen.
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