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YAH's Yosef
# 104
19.04.2024 | 01:54
Our precious Prophet Momma Elisheva, Prophet Asa Mikaiyah, associate ministers, YDS and all families in YAHUSHUA, Shabbat Shalom! Happy birthday to Momma Elisheva and Amightywind Ministry!

Thank YOU ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and the RUACH HA KODESH IMMAYAH for pouring forth anointing and blessings upon Momma Elisheva and this Holy Ministry abundantly and exceedingly in every aspect and filling them with all kinds of good things. Thank YOU for being with YOUR faithful servants, strengthen them, encourage them, guide them and teach them with YOUR Living Words. HalleluYAH!

Momma Elisheva and all workers in this Ministry, thank you for your hard works. You have put your best foot forward for reaching people’s soul for YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA and IMMAYAH’s sake. We are grateful and thankful for your effort paid and time spent for this Ministry, so that people around the world are able to read prophecies, teachings and revelations directly come from YAH. You are priceless, invaluable treasures and blessings to us and also to Heaven. Don’t quit! Don’t give up! We love you, bless you hug you and kiss you.

Asa Mikaiyah, come forth! Come and join Momma Elisheva, combining two anointings into one, bringing this Ministry humor and laughter, reaching the souls in Israel and becoming our huge blessing. Hebrew translators, come forth! Help this Ministry to translate all prophecies into Hebrew with the gift IMMAYAH has given you and become a blessing not only to Israel, but to all of us and to Heaven.

ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and the RUACH HA KODESH IMMAYAH, we give all our love, praises, honor and glory to YOU. YOU are our Almighty GOD who reign and rule our life. Thank YOU! HalleluYAH! In YAHUSHUA’s Name, amen!
# 103
16.04.2024 | 05:29
Happy Happy Birthday to you beloved Mom Elisheva and Amightywind Ministry. We are so blessed and honoured to celebrate this special time with you along with our beloved brothers and sisters all around the world. We appreciate and love you so very much and we cannot thank you enough for all your sufferings you endure and sacrifices through which we are now able have the privilege to know, learn and hear from the true living GOD Almighty YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA MESSIAH and precious IMMAYAH the RUACH HA KODESH. My family and I have been so blessed and the more we humbly obey and trust YAH's Words the more joy, peace, grace and love we experience in our lives. This is so amazing. Its not an easy path as we have to crucify our flesh everyday to do our best to please YAH but in the end it is worth it. We can have this peace that surpasses all understanding and this unspeakable joy in our heart of the RUACH HA KODESH. All the fame and fortune of this world cannot give us such confidence and guarantee of our lives and eternal future. So thank you thank you again my beloved precious mom Elisheva for all. We pray that you not only know heavenly blessings but we also pray for all kinds of earthly blessings and protection in your life. May ABBA YAHUVEH gives you all the righteous desires of your heart and especially (Asa Mikayah) that you accomplish all that you have been called to do for YAH"s glory alone in YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH's Name and Blood. Amen!!! Lots of kisses and hugs. Mwah !!!
# 102
13.04.2024 | 18:35
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Shalom Momma Elisheva. I pray YAH blesses you during your birthday month and beyond. I am honored to have a mother like you praying for me and loving me so much. YAH has taught me so much through you about spiritual growth. Please receive all of the love your children are sending you on your birthday month! And happy birthday to Amightywind Ministry, too. Heart Heart Heart
YAH's children
# 101
10.04.2024 | 01:03
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April 10th, 2024.

Precious Prophet Momma Elisheva, Happy 7th day of your birthday, and Happy 30th anniversary of the online ministry 1994-2024!!

And today is the 37th April 10 of YAH's ministry 1988-2024!!

Praise YAH we received prophet 111. The contract between satan and us are forever cancelled. We walk out of darkness and into the light. Everything we own solely belong to YAH.

First day of month Nisan is Noah's birthday, the beginning of building the Ark, the day the flood dried up, the day the tabernacle was raised up. It was also the day the children of captivity in Judah and Jerusalem counted the number of all the men who married foreign women.

Praise YAH that all these wonderful things shall come upon President Trump, Asa Mikaiyah, Israel and the spiritual children of Israel.

On the first day of Nisan we cleanse the temple, and we wait for Passover, counting of the Omer until Shavuot and receive IMMAYAH's gifts. HalleluYAH!!!

Praise YAH we join in Carman's singing and dancing to celebrate YAH's victory, may Maccabees' miraculous rescue happen again.

Praise YAH for sending out weapons from Heaven to destroy all evil. Praise YAH for giving us such wonderful lives. In YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH's Holy Name and Blood, amen!!!
YAH's childrean
# 100
10.04.2024 | 01:02
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April 5th, 2024

Shabbat Shalom!!!

Happy 30th Anniversary to Almightywind Online Ministry and Happy Birthday to Momma Elisheva!
We celebrate for 30 days and extend the celebration until forever.

We read Momma's testimony. YAH turned the most sorrow day into the best day ever.
This day is also the day YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH engages to us.

YAH wants us to celebrate and be joyful as much as possible. We can't thank Momma and express our gratitude enough. You are YAH's and our invaluable treasure.

We read YAHUVEH's Audible Words to commemorate Momma's suffering for our sake. We join in YAHUVEH's raging roar. Enemies of the Ministry, woe, woe be truly unto you. You will curse the day you were born.

But YAH and Momma Elisheva's Ministry will not die, but live and proclaim YAH's work until forever. HalleluYAH!!! All for YAH's Glory!!!
YAH's Yosef
# 99
10.04.2024 | 01:01
April 4, 2024

Happy Birthday, our precious Prophet Momma Elisheva! Happy Birthday, Amightywind Ministry! HalleluYAH!

Thank you Momma Elisheva for being YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and the RUACH HA KODESH IMMAYAH’s true Prophet. Thank you for being humble, obedient and faithful to GOD that you have spoken out YAH’s Words in boldness to warn, to teach, to encourage people to repent, to turn away from the wicked ways and instead walk in holiness, to keep the Sabbath and Holy Feasts and Festivals, etc.

The greater the anointing, the greater the suffering. Momma Elisheva, you are truly a huge blessing to us! We love you very much. We kiss you, hug you, we are celebrating joyfully with you now! Thank you for all you have done these years for YAH and for us. Your works are not in vain and have already stored up great treasures in Heaven. We bless you that more and more anointing from IMMAYAH fall upon you, have Heavenly health, all your needs are being answered according to YAH’s will and timing and abundant in all areas.

Happy 30th Anniversary to Amightywind Ministry online! We thank all YAH’s faithful servants for your hard work. We appreciate all associate ministers, teachers, preachers, prophets, website managers, video makers, translators, offline apps makers, YDS, mighty prayer warriors, songwriters, worshipers and all families who are dedicated spreading YAHUSHUA’s true Gospel. You all are our huge blessings also. Because of your faithful, obedient and loyal to YAH, many souls are reached and led to YAHUSHUA. We love you and bless you!

YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and the RUACH HA KODESH IMMAYAH, we give all praises, honor and glory to YOU. This Holy Ministry is YOUR Ministry, Momma Elisheva is YOUR humble Ringmaiden, all these faithful servants are YOUR trustworthy workers. Without YOU, nothing can be done. We love YOU, worship YOU and adore YOU wholeheartedly. We lift YOUR Name on high. HalleluYAH!

Asa Mikaiyah, come forth! Caleb Anew, come forth! Hebrew translators, come forth! All Haman, Esau, Judas and enemies of this Ministry and President Donald J. Trump shall fall like Goliath, in YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH’s Name, Amen! HalleluYAH!
YAH Yitzhak
# 98
10.04.2024 | 01:01
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April 4th, 2024

Dear Momma Elisheva, Asa Mikaiyah, all Brothers and Sisters with their names written in the LAMB's Book of Life,

Shalom! Happy Birthday, Momma Elisheva! Happy 30th Anniversary to the Amightywind Ministry!

Momma Elisheva is bringing in all of YAH's Bride, Chosen one and Elects from all over the world together, to work on the harvest field of souls, according to YAH's will and perfect timing.

Momma Elisheva, none of your suffering and sacrifice had been in vain. Momma, I wish to kiss you and hug you in person. Momma, you are constantly surrounded with love and respect from your children all over the world, as well as hundred folds of love, blessings and anointings from YAH.

Praise ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and Precious IMMAYAH!!! Thank YOU for bringing Momma Elisheva to the world, to us, so that we could be saved. Thank YOU for choosing Momma Elisheva as YOUR Apostle, Prophet, Pastor, Ring Maiden, a mighty warrior in the End Time.

We love YOU, we worship YOU, we thank YOU with all our hearts and souls!!! Thank YOU! Thank YOU! Thank YOU! HalleluYAH!!!

YAH's children
# 97
10.04.2024 | 01:00
April 4th, 2024

Happy 30th anniversary to YAH's Amightywind Online Ministry!!! Happy Birthday to Prophet Momma Elisheva!!!

Praise YAH for giving blessings to Momma's families: Dad Adam, Mom Kathrynyah, Grace and her families, Talia and her families, Israel's prophets and their families, translators and associate ministers, as well as all other Bride, Chosen One and Elects all over the world. All our families that are blessed by Momma Elisheva and this Ministry, we shall have over a month of huge Holy Feasts celebration! HalleluYAH!!!

The wonderful April has arrived, which also consists of Passover, Feast of the Unleavened Bread, Resurrection celebration, as well as the beginning of the counting of the Omer. What a wonderful period of time. Everyday is full of extra grace and blessing. YAH has given us so much extra time.


Praise YAH we read Momma Elisheva's testimony. It was the most touching testimony I've ever read. YAH had said, "IF THE SUFFERING HAD NOT BEEN GREAT, THIS MINISTRY WOULD NOT BE GREAT!"-111

Respectable Momma, we also join in with YAHUSHUA and say, “I am so sorry you have had to suffer like this.

We are also sorry YAH had to suffered so much for us. YAH is GOD, but cried tears of blood for human. We deserve suffering, but YAH is a Holy GOD. We are grateful that YOU did not give up our souls. We shall forever be grateful and comfort YOU, support YOUR Ring Maiden and Ring Bearer. 24/7 we shall communicate with YAH and pray for Momma and this Ministry. All of us shall help lift up Momma's hands and join in all her prayers. We hug YOU forever and ever.

All for the honor and glory of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, ABBA YAHUVEH EL SHADDAI and IMMAYAH, SHKHINYAH Momma Wisdom. HalleluYAH!!!
uit Taiwan
# 96
06.04.2024 | 23:16
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Halleluyah! ! ! Praise, praise, praise, Abba YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA, Precious IMMAYAH, the True God! It is the 30th anniversary of the Holy Spirit Almighty Wind Ministry. This is a day full of thanksgiving. I believe that more miracles and wonders will come to this ministry and all brothers and sisters! Happy birthday to Holy Spirit Almighty Wind Ministries! Happy birthday to the prophet’s mother, Elisheva Eliyahu!
uit Haven
# 95
06.04.2024 | 09:24
Happy Birthday beloved Momma Elisheva Eliyahu, Happy Birthday Precious Holy Ministry of ABBA YAHUVEH YAHUSHUA and PRECIOUS IMMAYAH AmightyWind. I pray that all your needs beloved Momma Elisheva Eliyahu and the Holy Ministry AmightyWind of the HEAVENLY TRINITY will be filled in abundance along with divine health and protection from all evil in the Mighty Name and shed Blood of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIAHA Amen.
I pray in the Name of YAHUSHUA that our beloved Asa Micaiah will come to the call of ABBA YAHUVEH to you our beloved Momma Elisheva Eliyahu, that the WORD of ABBA YAH will be more mightily glorified, WHO is Our BELOVED YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and that the desires of your heart, beloved Momma, be fulfilled, filling you with joy and happiness in the Sweet Precious Holy and Mighty Name through the Shed Blood of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIAH Amen.
I love you very very much beloved Momma Elisheva Eliyahu and beloved Holy Ministry YAH beloved brothers and sisters in YAHUSHUA. Happy Happy Happy Birthday. HALLELUYAH. Praise Praise Praise YOU BELOVED ABBA YAHUVEH YOU BELOVED YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH & YOU BELOVED SWEET PRECIOUS IMMAYAH.
uit USA
# 94
05.04.2024 | 03:24
Happy Birthday Mom Elisheva and Amightywind Ministries! Thank you for all of the work you have put into the Holy Trinity's End Time Harvest! The Holy Trinity's blessings were, are, and will always be on you and this ministry of holiness bringing souls out of darkness into Abba YAH'S, Lord YAHUSHUA'S, and Momma SH'KHINYAH'S glorious light!
# 93
04.04.2024 | 12:00
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Heart Happy 30th birthday to Holy Spirit Almighty Wind Ministry! Happy birthday to Prophet Elisheva Elijyahu! Hallelujah! We cheer! We are happy! Heart
YAH Yitzhak
# 92
28.03.2024 | 22:20
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Dear Momma Elisheva, Asa Mikaiyah, all brothers and sisters with their names written in the LAMB's Book of Life,

Shabbat Shalom! HalleluYAH!!! Happy Purim!!!

Praise ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and Precious RUACH HA KODESH for destroying all the Haman and Esau of Israel, Jerusalem, the Amightywind Ministry, President Trump and Asa Mikaiyah. YAH has put our enemies in the wine press of wrath and causes the enemies to run in seven different directions.

As we celebrate and commemorate YAH's Holy Feasts and Festivals, we receive more and more overflowing blessings. There are no words to describe the joy and peace we felt, as we celebrate our victory over our enemies.

Praise YAH for pouring out blessings anointing on the Holy Ministry, especially to Prophet Momma Elisheva Eliyahu and all associate ministers. May YAH gives Momma Elisheva and the ministry workers a hundred folds of wisdom, strength and peace.

YAH's children
# 91
24.03.2024 | 02:02
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Chag Purim Sameach!!
Precious Prophet Elisheva, Asa Mikaiyah, happy Purim!!!

Praise YAH that all true children with their names written on the LAMB's Book of Life shall never lack in all wonderful things. May the blessing on Earth and in Heaven increase in folds, and take back what the enemies had stolen.

Praise YAH for giving us such a wonderful lives. It's all because YAH raises up HIS great and miraculous Ministry, bring us blessings in this life and eternity in the future!!!

Haman and Esau have nothing on us inside out. Only YAH lives within us.

Praise YAH we received prophecy 143 and receive yet another new renewal, a new beginning, a new cleansing, stronger anointing. May all of them pour on YAH's children. All for the glory of YAH!!! HalleluYAH!!!

YAH Yitzhak
# 90
24.03.2024 | 02:02
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Dear Momma Elisheva, Asa Mikaiyah, all brothers and sisters with their names written in the LAMB's Book of Life,

Shalom! Happy Purim!!!

In faith we believe YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, ABBA YAHUVEH and IMMAYAH have destroyed all the Haman, Esau in our life, as well as anything that hinder our loyalty, love and devotion to YAH. YAH truly has set up feast for us in front of the enemies!!!

May we continue to serve YAH according to HIS will and receive testimony as unto Enoch. Let us be worthy of being YAHUSHUA's Bride and be able to escape the time of Jacob's trouble.

YAH's Yosef
# 89
24.03.2024 | 01:56
Our precious Prophet Momma Elisheva, Prophet Asa Mikaiyah, associate ministers and families in YAHUSHUA, Happy Blessed Purim! HalleluYAH!

Thank YOU ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and the RUACH HA KODESH IMMAYAH give us the desire of putting our best foot forward to be holy, pure, obedient, faithful and without spot or wrinkle just like Queen Esther. We want to please YOU, comfort YOU and make YOU laugh. May we be worthy of being YAHUSHUA’s Bride.

We celebrate the Victory in Purim! All Hamans and enemies of Amightywind Ministry, Momma Elisheva, YDSs, Bride, two witnesses and Heavenly people shall fall down like Goliath. They have the same fate as unto evil Pharaoh, Judas and Hitler. HalleluYAH!

We only give our praises, honor and glory to our HOLY TRINITY in YAHUSHUA’s Name, Amen!
YAH's children
# 88
21.03.2024 | 20:55
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Dear Momma Elisheva, Asa Mikaiyah, all brothers and sisters with their names written in the Lamb's Book of Life,

Shabbat Shalom! Happy Purim! HalleluYAH!!! We celebrate all the Feasts and Festivals forever!!!

Praise YAHUVEH for the full anointing on March 7th, and we celebrate until the Purim of Purim. We received blessings a hundred times more than we expected.

Praise YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and RUACH HA KODESH our Precious IMMAYAH!!! We love YOU, we worship YOU. YOU know what's best for us and we only want to offer our best to YOU.

YOU are the one and only GOD, King of Kings and Lord of Lords. All creatures on earth also join in the praise, united with us, shouting from the housetop that YOU deserve all the praise, honor and glory. HalleluYAH!!!

YAH's Yosef
# 87
08.03.2024 | 03:11
Shabbat Shalom to our precious Prophet Momma Elisheva, Prophet Asa Mikaiyah and families in YAHUSHUA!

Thank YOU YAH for leading us to this Holy Ministry. Every prophecy, every revelation and every teaching are our priceless treasures. We strive to live holy as YOU are Holy. Please give us the spirit of holiness and follow the example of YAHUSHUA. May we be your faithful and obedient servant a billion fold.

Thank YOU IMMAYAH for pouring forth YOUR anointing upon us. We need YOUR anointing to break all our yokes and bondages to be set free from all worldly lusts. HalleluYAH!

YAH's children
# 86
06.03.2024 | 00:44
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March 7th, 2024.

HalleluYAH!!! Wow!!! Happy 9th year of the day of full anointing.

Praise YAH that we can celebrate and commemorate this day and receive great blessings. This year we really pray for Caleb of new, Asa Mikaiyah to come forth, that he can gather with us this time again. The worst day will turn into the best day again.

Thank YAH that respectable true president of USA Donald Trump and his family's souls will be saved. There shall be 4 more years for America. May YAH's will be done.

Praise YAH that we participate into Momma Elisheva's every prayers 24/7. Your cries are our cries. We pray that YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH shall turn all our weeps into laughter again. And thus we celebrate March 7th, which is YAH's full anointing day. Thank YAH for joining Caleb's fight. Year 6 is coming to an end. Time is up!!! HalleluYAH!!!

This chain of YAH has been tempered in the fiery furnace seven times fold. YAH will throw satan into the lake of fire in time. In YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH's Holy Name, we are more than conquerors!!! All for the Glory of YAH, HalleluYAH!!! Amen!!!
YAH Yitzhak
# 85
09.02.2024 | 01:08
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Dear Momma Elisheva, Asa Mikaiyah and all families in YAHUSHUA,

Shabbat Shalom! We love, obey and bless YAH and you forever!

Praise YAH!!! We are so thankful for all the warnings dreams from YAH, guiding us through and pushing us to be better and forever be YDS.

Praise YAHUVEH! We must prepare ourselves wholeheartedly so we all may pass trials and bring forth fruits worthy of repentance, and we can be worthy of being ascender forever.

YAH, we pray for the victory of Donald Trump. YAH has given four more years for America to repent. May YAH's will be done on earth as in Heaven!

We pray in YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH's Name and Blood, amen. HalleluYAH!!!
YAH's children
# 84
19.01.2024 | 01:55
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Precious Momma Prophet Elisheva, Asa Mikaiyah, all the saints from Israel, families in YAHUSHUA, Shabbat Shalom!!!

Everyone who sends videos to the Ministry to participate in the celebration of Holy Feasts and Festivals, as well as all the hard working Ministry workers, may you all be worthy of being the first fruit and be caught up in the rapture. May none be left behind.

May all the guests qualify to be YAHUSHUA's Bride quickly and receive the testimony as unto Enoch. We love Hanukkah Prophecy 154 very much, which is given to us 3 years later on the same date. It's like dedicating the Holy Temple on the same date years later after it was tainted. We also love the Passover Prophecy that was given through Grace very much.

Now we continue to live under the sukkah and celebrate Hanukkah and we wait for the next Passover, Ministry's 30th anniversary, Momma's birthday, Purim...Praise YAH there is only blessings in 2024. We receive YAH's every blessings and warnings.

May we be worthy of such a wonderful life, be worthy of calling Prophet Elisheva our Momma, be worthy to cry and laugh along with YAH. Praise YAH our love for Momma and YAH increases as time goes by. We shall never separate.

All for YAH's glory, in the Name of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, YAHUVEH and IMMAYAH the Holy Trinity, may Israel, Jerusalem, Lebanon and all spiritual Israel be blessed forever.

HalleluYAH!!! Shabbat Shalom! Happy YAH's Holy Feasts and Festivals!!!
YAH's Yosef
# 83
12.01.2024 | 03:23
Our beloved Prophet Momma Elisheva, Prophet Asa Mikaiyah and family members in YAHUSHUA, Shabbat Shalom!

Thank YOU YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA and IMMAYAH for giving us YOUR Word, prophecies and teachings so that we can learn them and study them. Through YOUR Word, our life is always in renewal because YOU are a Living GOD, YOU are our Living Water.

YAH, YOU reign our life. We submit our body, mind, spirit and soul to YOU. Every worldly and fleshly thoughts, decisions and actions, may YAH rip them off. May YAH give us a heart of desire to be more holy, more faithful, more obedient and more pure as a child in billion-fold. May we please YOU, comfort YOU and bring glory to YOU.

All Praises, Honor and Glory to YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and IMMAYAH, in YAHUSHUA’s Name, Amen!
YAH Yitzhak
# 82
05.01.2024 | 00:56
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Dear Momma Elisheva, Asa Mikaiyah, Ministry workers, all brothers and sisters with their names written in the LAMB's Book of Life,

Shabbat Shalom! We love you!!!

Recently we are reading The First Book of Adam and Eve and it teaches us an important lesson, which is to keep YAH in our heart all day and every day, every hour and every second.

The devil seeks to destroy us every way possible. In the book, satan uses his lies and disguise to trick Adam and Eve multiple times and brought them many anguish and pain, all because they did not ask YAH before making decision.

And thus we must hand over all of our thoughts, decision making and actions to YAH. Pray and ask YAH, let YAH be the one who makes the decision for us. YAH knows what's best for us and all we need to do is to have faith and trust HIM.

We pray that YAH will give us hearts of just and purity like unto Abel and Seth, who strive to please ABBA YAHUVEH.

We pray in the Holy Name of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, amen! HalleluYAH!!!
YAH Yitzhak
# 81
22.12.2023 | 02:38
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Dear Momma Elisheva, Asa Mikaiyah, all brothers and sisters with their names written in the LAMB's Book of Life,

Shabbat Shalom! Happy Hanukkah! Happy Sukkot! Happy YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH's Birthday!!! HalleluYAH!! Praise YAHUVEH that we celebrate all Holy Feasts and Festivals everyday, for we need YAHUVEH's miracles and saving hands every day.

Momma Elisheva, if we are not YAHUSHUA's revelation 14 Bride, please tell us. May none of us be left behind. May we all strive to become the first fruit and never find out name in the book of the blotted out.

Praise YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and Precious IMMAYAH for giving us this precious chance to repent, become more holy each day, and walk the narrow path towards Heaven, instead of the wide road to Hell.

May we remain vigilant and be on guard, cutting off every satanic influences out of our life. And we offer everything we have on the alter of sacrifice, to YAH's hands. Only HE alone has the right to dictate our life.

Praise YAHUVEH for giving us such wonderful life. Blessed is HE who come in the Name of YAH!!!

Momma Elisheva, you are forever our family and friend, and we shall be singing and worshipping before YAHUVEH's throne forever and ever.

All glory belong to YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and RUACH HA KODESH, amen!!! HalleluYAH!!!
YAH's Yosef
# 80
15.12.2023 | 03:13
Our precious Prophet Momma Elisheva, Prophet Asa Mikaiyah and all heavenly people whose names are written in the LAMB’s Book of Life, Shabbat Shalom! Happy Hanukkah! Happy Sukkot!

Thank YOU YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and IMMAYAH for giving us so much blessings and miracles throughout our life. Every evil YOU turn it to good. Our faith is strengthening day by day. May we continue to walk on YOUR path with faith, peace, joy and holiness until forever. HalleluYAH! In YAHUSHUA’s Name and Blood, Amen!
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