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z Kenya
# 54
14.09.2023 | 09:35
Very good messages and a beautiful website
YAH's Yosef
# 53
26.08.2023 | 21:41
Happy Mother’s Day to our Precious RUACH HA KODESH IMMAYAH and Momma Elisheva!

Thank you Momma Elisheva for sharing the Locker 827 Dream, the Dream of the ROD and the great testimony in Hawaii to all of us. The date of 27th, especially August 27th, many visions, dreams revelations, prophecies and anointing were given to Momma.

Through all of these, we praise, worship, and give our honor and glory to YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and IMMAYAH. Only the HOLY TRINITY has the Mighty Power to do these wonders and miracles. For our YAH is an awesome GOD! HalleluYAH!

IMMAYAH, we now ask for YOUR anointing falling not only upon us, but also upon YOUR faithful servants in this Holy Ministry so as to strengthen our gifts to work for YOU.

IMMAYAH, we also ask for YOUR anointing pouring upon YOUR remnants in Israel. Please wake their souls up, be YOUR mighty warriors instead of wimps. Prophet Asa Mikaiyah, come forth! Hebrew translators, come forth! May the Gospel of YAHUSHUA and all prophecies are all over Israel and bring more and more souls to YAHUSHUA.

YAH Yitzhak
# 52
26.08.2023 | 21:13
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Dear Momma Elisheva and all families in the Lamb's Book of Life,

Shalom!! Happy Mother's Day!

My family and I want to celebrate this special day, August 27th because Momma Elisheva received great anointings in Hawaii as well as the locker 827 dream on this day.

IMMAYAH had given Momma Elisheva an anointing so powerful that people could see the glow on Momma's face. People were unable to stand under the powerful anointing, Momma had even seen a vision of receiving a ROD from YAHUSHUA. And it stroke the devil from his throne repeatedly. And in the 827 locker dream, Momma Elisheva also received a ROD that can be used to fight against the devil on earth.

HalleluYAH!!! HalleluYAH!!!

I pray that all of us will be worthy of such abundant anointing. IMMAYAH please pour forth YOUR anointing on Asa Mikaiyah, Hebrew translators, YAH's prophets, pastors, evangelists, teachers as well as the loyal intercessor warriors. Please strengthen and comfort the front liners, as well as all others under constant attacks of the enemies.


Love, Yitzhak
# 51
26.08.2023 | 21:11
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On August 27th we commemorate Momma Elisheva who received YAH's ROD and the great Anointings in Hawaii, and the prophetic dream of the 827 locker. We also received prophecies 89, 90, 75 and 89.

27 is a blessed number of IMMAYAH, HalleluYAH!!!

This Ministry was prophecied more than a hundred years ago, a more powerful revival than the Asusa Revival!!! We are given so many great prophecies and thousands and thousands of people convert or return back to YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. HalleluYAH!!! HalleluYAH!!! HalleluYAH!!!
YAH's Children
# 50
25.08.2023 | 05:41
Shabbat Shalom!!! HalleluYAH!!!
It's August 27th. Happy Mother's day to IMMAYAH and Momma Elisheva!!!

At the same time we enter into the wild with YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH until the Day of Atonement.

This is the second year for us to celebrate many festivals that YAH does not order us to celebrate. We receive so many great promises and blessings. We have discovered many 40-day periods to spend closely and lovingly with YAH. I think this is also counted as the "extra oil" that the 5 wise virgins have prepared. The closer we get to the time of rapture, the more holy we have to be, and the evil will become more evil.

Thank YOU YAH for giving us new songs and dances to learn. We praise YAH forever! HalleluYAH!!!

We are also thankful for many warning dreams. We are afraid of being reprobates or being left behind.

Get all the prophecies ready for everything is happening quickly. Only praise and be joyful no matter what happens. Our time of salvation is coming soon. In the Name of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. HalleluYAH!!!
z United States
# 49
04.08.2023 | 15:32
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Dear Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu, i just want to thank you for all the hard work you have done, i truly am thankful for this ministry and i learn something new every time i come to this site. I look forward to reading the weekly prophesies and im glad ABBA YAHUVEH chose you for this ministry. I pray that this is just a little word of encouragement for you. In the name of YAHUSHUA thank you amen.
YAH's Yitzhak
# 48
02.08.2023 | 00:14
July 28, 2023.
Dearest Momma Elisheva, and all brothers and sisters with their names written in the Lamb's Book of Life,

Shabbat Shalom!

May ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and Precious RUACH HA KODESH, Sweet HOLY SPIRIT bless the Prophet, Ring Maiden, Momma Elisheva, and all workers working hard for this Ministry.

I pray that IMMAYAH's anointing shall fall upon all of YDS, spiritual warriors, translators, giving them discernment and a hundred fold anointing and wisdom!

In the End Times we need YAH's Holy Words more than ever! I pray to YAH that all of us who believe and support this Ministry will remain vigilant and keep on reading and learning YAH's Prophecies and teachings.

Thank YOU YAH, for driving out all enemies of this Ministry and all evil spirits, and put them in YOUR wine press of wrath! All enemies of this Ministry are enemies of YAH! And if they do not repent, hell will be their final destination!!

ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and Precious RUACH HA KODESH. Please help me guard my thoughts and mouth. I pray that I will be careful with what I speak and won't be a reprobate because of it.

Thank YOU YAH for helping me to stay humble and reject the evil spirit of pride. Thank YOU for helping me to become more obedient, gentle and vigilant.

All glory belong to ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and Precious RUACH HA KODESH! May YOUR Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven! HalleluYAH! HalleluYAH! In the Name and Blood of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, Amen!
YAH's Children
# 47
02.08.2023 | 00:12
July 21, 2023.
Shabbat Shalom to Prophet Momma Elisheva, Prophet Asa Mikaiyah, and all honored and holy prophets in Israel!

Thank YOU YAH that IMMAYAH will send our letters of peace to you.
When YAH sees one bride, HE sees all brides. In spiritual realm, what we think and how we live are the same. We are each other’s comforter and we look after each other. We are forever in YAH’s embrace.

Thank YOU YAH for not letting Momma Elisheva worry over each of us. Momma, we hug you tight, support you and love you forever.

We are forever YAH's and your servants, close friends, family members and YDSs.

HalleluYAH!!! Thank YOU YAH for giving us these wonderful days!!!
YAH's Yosef
# 46
02.08.2023 | 00:11
July 14, 2023.
Shabbat Shalom to our precious Prophet Momma Elisheva, Prophet Asa Mikaiyah, and all brothers and sisters whose names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life!

Thank you Momma Elisheva, because of your prophetic gift from Heaven, we have the opportunity to hear YAH’s Words through this Holy Ministry in these times. All prophecies, all teachings and all knowledge about Hebrew root are our priceless treasures. We thank for your hard work. You have already paid the price for being a leader of YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA and IMMAYAH’s Ministry. Numerous love, kisses, hugs and joy are around you coming from YAH, as well as your spiritual family members, including us.

YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and IMMAYAH, the RUACH HA KODESH bless you abundantly, give you more and more anointing, and give you peace and faith. Asa Mikaiyah, come forth! Caleb of New, come forth! Comeback Kid from Israel, come forth! Hebrew translators, come forth! All for the glory and praises for our HOLY TRINITY! In YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH’s Name and Blood, Amen! HalleluYAH!
YAH's Yosef
# 45
23.06.2023 | 05:45
Shabbat Shalom to our beloved Prophet Momma Elisheva, Prophet Asa Mikaiyah, and all heavenly people whose names are written in the LAMB’s Book of Life!

Thank YOU ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and IMMAYAH, the RUACH HA KODESH for giving us wonderful life! We give our praises, love and glory to our HOLY TRINITY! HalleluYAH!

It’s one minute til midnight. YAHUSHUA’s return is nigh. We have to be well-prepared. YAHUSHUA, may we be worthy to be YOUR Bride and be raptured into the sky to meet YOU. May we have the testimony of Enoch and please YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA and IMMAYAH.

May we finish our preordained works without any delays. We desire to be YOUR faithful and trustworthy servants. YAH, please give us a whole new heart which put YOU on our first priority of our life and love. We serve YOU and praise YOU with all our heart, mind, soul and spirit joyfully. All in YAHUSHUA’s Name and Blood, Amen!!
# 44
02.06.2023 | 21:59
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Shabbat Shalom!

Thank YOU ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and IMMAYAH for teaching us to be gentle and humble during Shavuot forever!!!

Thank YOU IMMAYAH, YOUR HOLY FIRE has burned off all impurity, evil spirits, and clease both our body and soul. Thank YOU for preparing us for the rapture that could happen at any moment, and we strive to be YAHUSHUA'S bride whole-heartedly and have a testimony like unto Enoch! HalleluYAH!

Thank YOU IMMAYAH for rising up spiritual warriors during Shavuot! Caleb Anew, come forth!! Asa Mikaiyah, come forth!! Lazarus, come forth!! YAHUSHUA's Demon Stompers, elites of the elites, come forth! Two Witnesses, Judah and Ephraim, Hebrew translators, come forth! Rise up, Rise up, Rise up!!!

In the Name and Blood of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, Amen! HalleluYAH!!!
# 43
26.05.2023 | 02:01
Happy Blessed Shavout! Thank YOU ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and IMMAYAH, the RUACH HA KODESH for leading us gather together in the Upper Room spiritually. HalleluYAH! IMMAYAH’s anointing and blessings are falling upon abundantly on Prophet Momma Elisheva, Prophet Asa Makaiyah, all associate ministers, all YDSs, and all brothers and sisters whose names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. In YAHUSHUA’s Name and Blood! All for the glory of our HOLY TRINITY! HalleluYAH!
z India
# 42
26.05.2023 | 00:08
Happy Birthday YDS & Happy Shavuot to All!
HalleluYAH! Praises and Thank YOU ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA OUR MESSIAH, & MOMMA SHKINYAH for raising the Elite YDS warriors for the protection of Prophet Apostle Momma Elisheva Eliyahu and all those who consider this Holy Ministry a blessing. Happy 18th Birthday YDS Warriors!! We love you and are grateful for your sacrifices, obedience, and holiness. You please the Holy Trinity so much. May the blessings of Deut 28 chase you, overtake you, and tackle you to the ground and your enemies perish. We pray the reprobate enemies are delivered to YAHUVEH's winepress of wrath.
Happy Shavuot (Pentecost) to all who belong to YAH, may you be filled with a new infilling and anointing of MOMMA RUACH HA KODESH. Come Beloved IMMAYAH fill our hearts, bodies, minds, and souls with your precious, precious anointing. Fill us with your peace that passes all understanding and joy unspeakable and full of glory.
Give us more wisdom, discernment, understanding and anoint us to walk in the fullness of our heavenly calling. Anoint us with spiritual weapons and teach us spiritual warfare to fight satan and all his evil princes, powers, principalities and rulers in all the regions of the world. Amen!
We praise YOU, we worship YOU, and Thank you in YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH'S name.
z South Africa
# 41
24.05.2023 | 06:01
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Shalom dearest beloved Mom Rm , Kathrynyah, sis Grace, Talia , have a blessed Shavuot in the Name of ABBA YAH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and IMMAYAH ShiknYAH. May our Holy awesome loving IMMAYAH fill you even more with all HER Godly qualities on this Shavuot. I would love to share this precious video with you that i found after asking IMMAYAH for a story about Ruth and just look at this! praise ELOHIEM YAH! the role of Boaz played by Carman
The Story of Ruth a Journey of Faith (see on youtube)
# 40
24.05.2023 | 05:01
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Shalom to Momma Elisheva and all brothers and sisters in YAHUSHUA! It is YDS's anniversary!!! HalleluYAH!!!

In 2005, Momma Elisheva and this ministry went through intense spiritual warfare and vicious enemies attacks. But during these times YDS was born through Momma Elisheva after 3 days of birthing pain. Thank you Momma Elisheva!! We love you and we want to hug and kiss you so much! There are no words to describe our gratitude and we love, love, love you forever!!!

The devil's evil scheme failed and shall continue to fail because we have 500,000 spiritual warriors and prayer intercessors covering Momma Elisheva and this Ministry with prayers. The YDS are YAHUSHUA's mighty warriors! The YDS do not fear and do not compromise even when the enemies come in waves. HAlleluYAH!!

Praise YAH!!! Thank YOU ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and precious IMMAYAH for bringing in the YDS to fight the enemies. All enemies will reap what they sow and be casted into hell for all eternity!

I never ever want to betray YAH and become a reprobate. And I pray the none of us betrayed YAH in the battle before the foundation of the Earth forever!

# 39
24.05.2023 | 01:36
Shalom to Prophet Momma Elisheva, all associate ministers, and all YAHUSHUA’s faithful servants and prayers! Happy 18th Anniversary of YAHUSHUA ’s Demon Stompers! HalleluYAH!

Thank YOU YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and IMMAYAH, the RUACH HA KODESH! Because of YOUR plan, YAHUSHUA ’s Demon Stompers were given birth through Momma Elisheva in 2005. We give thanks to Momma Elisheva for all the sufferings you had suffered spiritually not only in that 3 days, but also in 2005. We forever love you, embrace you, kiss you and comfort you!

We, YAHUSHUA ’s Demon Stompers, no longer be afraid of all demons and their evil attacks. In every spiritual warfare, we have the power and authority to trample them into pieces. We, 500,000 prayers, are the watchmen of Amightywind Ministry, Prophet Elisheva, and all brothers and sisters in YAHUSHUA. Under YDS’s prayer coverings, all curses to this Holy Ministry and this Prophet must return back to the senders themselves. HalleluYAH! Only YAH’s anointing and blessings will come upon HIS faithful and obedient servants. May we deserve to be YDS and YAHUSHUA’s Bride til forever and ever! HalleluYAH!
z Netherlands
# 38
23.05.2023 | 17:06
I do not really know what to say, as a 55 year old woman Just now starting to understand the Word a little bit. A lot of things happend in my live. I messed up, even though I always believed in God. I find myself being led to your website.
It is a lot. I do not know where to begin. But I feel the love. I asked the Lord what his name was because I was feeling the need to ask I heard a voice say usha at leest that is what I rememberd , after that I came across the name Yahushua and felt the Holy Spirit inside me. After that I found your site. I Just give God the glory and honour for amightywind ministry for seeiing you have been there for over 25 years
Love and thanks to apostel Elisheva Eliyahu and the ministry. For now sorry for my english and thank you even though I feel alone for now but I'm happy your site is a blessing for me.
Greetings Rosita
# 37
20.05.2023 | 00:40
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Shabbat Shalom!
Happy YAHUSHUA'S Ascension day! Happy countdown to the Omer! Shavuot is approaching! And we can't wait to see what IMMAYAH bestow upon us in the coming Shavuot! We all look forward to this blessed holy feast! HalleluYAH!
YAH's Children
# 36
19.05.2023 | 03:55
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May 19, 2023.

Happy Ascension Day of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH!

43th day of Countdown of the Omer. Thank YOU YAH for gathering in the upper room waiting until the Shavout. YAHUVEH, we ask for the gifts of Hebrew translation, of reverence, humility and tenderness, the gift of obedience, the gift of praise and comfort.

It is a wonderful time.

Thank YOU YAH revealing how special number 3 is to me. There are usually time-frame of a 3-year or a doubled 3-year. YAHUSHUA started preaching at 30 years old, preached for 3 years, and crucified and resurrected at 33 years old.

After the resurrection, YAHUSHUA preached in glorified body for 40 days, then HE ascended heaven and gave us IMMAYAH, the Holy Spirit forever!!!

IMMAYAH and the Bride say, Come, YAHUSHUA!
We are all whole-heartedly ready. And everyone’s own Caleb of new and Asa Mikaiyah will come forth. YAH is a GOD who resurrects the dead. YAH will not let devil’s schemes succeed. Only for the glory of YAH. HalleluYAH!!

Happy Ascension Day of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH! Because of YAHUSHUA, we all have become ascenders forever because YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH is the only one that lives. We represent all the souls who have never blaspheme IMMAYAH, and all fetuses and babies, to proclaim victory, in the Holy Name and Blood of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, Amen!
# 35
15.05.2023 | 22:10
Happy 29 anniversary, bless this Ministry, bless the Ringmaiden, thank YOU ABBA YAH thank YOU
# 34
05.05.2023 | 01:10
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Happy 29th! Year To ABBA YAHS Beautiful Ministry Amightywind and Happy Late Birthday Momma Elisheva Eliyahu I love you in YAHUSHUA'S Name .
# 33
04.05.2023 | 21:45
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Thank YOU precious HOLY TRINITY for the countdown of the Omer and the beautiful calendar for it Heart Heart Heart Heart
Thank you Amightywind Ministry for all the work done on this most beautiful website on the internet!!!
Thank you to Momma Elisheva, Associate Ministers, AMW Ministry team, all the translators, video team, graphic artists and all who labor in YAH'S harvest field.

Much love to you all!!!
Hannu Pappila
z Finland
# 32
04.05.2023 | 14:52
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smile smile smile Hello thanks word we can trust.
Kerry brown
z Usa
# 31
04.05.2023 | 13:26
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Thank you so much for being there & suffering in yahushua so that we can have a place to learn & spend time together! This ministry has been a life changing event for me & I am grateful. There are wonderful blessings here & I love all of you . Heart
# 30
28.04.2023 | 03:21
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HalleluYAH!! Shabbat Shalom!!!

I wish Momma Elisheva and all families in YAHUSHUA a Shabbat Shalom! Praise ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and Preciou IMMAYAH for this precious ministry, all those prophecies and teachings.

I pray we all remain vigilant in the end time and never stray from the path YAH has laid out for us. The path to salvation is there, explained in such way that even a baby can understand. YAH is so thoughtful and considerate to all of us.

Here I pray humbly, and may this prayer be recorded on this site and on Heaven. ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and Precious RUACH HA KODESH, please help me be on guard and stay vigilant. Don't ever let me commit the unforgivable sin of blasphemy.

IMMAYAH, please live inside me and make me YOUR temple and never leave, so that I won't stray far from the path to Heaven. Don't make me a reprobate. Help me be gentle and lowly in heart, have love and patience to people around me. Destroy the pride, arrogance, and rebellion in me. Push me to fight the body. I am nothing without YAH.

I pray that YAH can help me worship and fear YAHUVEH more whole-heartedly and help me to be worthy of being the first fruit and caught up in the air by YAHUSHUA, that my name will not be marked in the Book of the Blotted Out and Book of the Damned.


Love, Yitzhak
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