Thank YOU YAH. We remember everything related to YOU and keep celebrating the 29th anniversary of the Ministry and Momma Elisheva’s birthday.
As well as the coming Second Passover, Gifts Receiving Shavout and the 18th Anniversary of YDS. We remember the 3-day sufferings of Momma Elisheva that gave birth to the YDS. Momma saw the angel and touched his wings. How great was the pain as well as joy.
The next time Elisheva sees the angel will be the time of announcing the rapture. The time of rapture is given secretly. It is an elopement. If people who don’t have close relationship with YAH, they will be left behind in the Great Tribulation.
We must try our best!!!
All we find in this ministry is love, the way YAH loves us. This prophet is arisen and paid the price for our sake.
Only YAH will last forever in this world. Only YAH is true. YAH is love.